Monday, November 13, 2023

The Disaster Created by Idiots Who Are Not From Around Here

 Environmental groups, that's who, can use lawyers to create an ecological, psychological and economic disaster.  They can send expensive lawyers to find a judge to order things that cause catastrophe to local communities.  And to rivers.  They can kill every fish in the reservoir or rivers too, without repercussion.  How does that work?

Latest problems with the reservoir drawdown---river turned to mud, with the high turbidity causing problems in water treatment from Sweet Home on down river.   Wells failing for people living near another reservoir being forced to draw down, by the lawsuit.  And no fishing tourism this fall due to the chocolate milk rivers.

The director of the Native Fish Society has a degree in philosophy.  I wonder if that helps him rectify all the ethical dilemmas in what they've done.

That is one of the three groups who sued the Corp of Engineers that resulted in the resevoir drawdowns that are not affecting the director of the Native Fish Society, cause he doesn't live anywhere near this county.

All in hopes a few more chinook salmon fingerlings will make it out to the ocean so that when they return as adults people like those of Native Fish Society can kill them.  Salmon face a zillion threats in returning to spawn.  Over fishing, warming ocean, pollution, warm rivers...etc etc etc.  Too many don't make it back to spawn because too many get killed before that happens.

Salmon fishing is a big powerful rich industry here, not only in the ocean, but with the sports fishermen in the rivers.   

I am amazed any get through the maze of dangers they face, in the ocean, not to mention the gauntlet of thousands upon thousands of humans bent on killing them, in the rivers, before they spawn.

I get all upset to think about it.  I am one of the thousands affected psychologically by what they've done, because where will I go now, to find a happy place as the reservoir was, to swim and paddle my raft or kayak, if the reservoirs are mud and don't even fill for the summer?   Not all of us are rich and can go way out somewhere else.  

Here's the latest article about our river of mud, failed wells, etc.

I took the mill cats up to be fixed today.  Three boys and four girls.  Tomorrow morning I return all seven.  They're sweet beautiful kitties.

Greyson, a little boy

Orange Julius and Smoothie.  OJ is a girl, Smoothie a boy.

Orange Julius, the girl kitten, although they're four months at least

Milkshake, the big buff boy

Milly, a classic torti

Silly, a muted calico

Tilly a muted torti

The colony will not get larger.  And everybody is now parasite free, too, and vaccinated.

As for the Fish people, I believe they want to turn back the clock, to a time hundreds, not millions, of people lived in the Pacific Northwest.  But we can't.   Climate change will make water precious and we do need reservoirs, that also create hydropower.  I don't know if the groups who pushed this lawsuit consider themselves "green" or just want more fish.   Hydropower from Oregon enters the grid to provide electric to other states besides Oregon.  The fish people I believe would love to get rid of all dams.  And then where does power come from, that's semi green?  No power production is without its victims.

I'm seeing ads on TV now to remind people most of our power in the Northwest comes from hydro and if it vanishes so does our power, instantly.   I bet these are in response to the fish people and their desire to remove dams and stop power production at some of them.   

Further ecomonic damage to poor rural communities is just collateral damage to these lawsuit groups and we do make easy targets.     They don't even believe in hatcheries, which also are a neglected outdated mess.  

They do not care that I love to kayak and swim on the reservoir and they never will care.  Why waste time engaging them?    It is a waste of words.   They deflect all blame for unintended consequences and collateral damage to the corp of engineers who are not responsible for salmon run declines and were forced into the drawdowns. 

I too am just collateral damage.   


  1. Well done on the kitty front. And they are cuties.
    My father often said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And good intentions it seems they had, but a total failure in administration.

    1. I don't know them, so I don't care about their intentions, nor their love of fishing, because I don't fish and I don't love to fish, I love to swim and paddle and they are taking that from me so they can catch more fish. Them and their lawyers.

  2. Protest fervently and often about the lake business. Email, message and keep at it, and these days a hand written letter carries some weight.

  3. Such sweet faces those kitties have. I don't know what to say about the reservoir problem except I hope it resolves so you can still enjoy the water.

  4. It's times like this that I wish stupidity was more painful. I'm sorry that you can't get the fisher people to understand that they're doing more harm than good.

  5. Follow the money, it's said, anytime something like this travesty occurs. Grrr... As usual, I agree with L&L. :) And not only are these cats adorable, the fact you named one girl Tilly who looks so much like our old gal made my day. We still miss the little goofball and you left a heartwarming comment.

    1. I'm sure there is a lot of money involved. There always is. I took the cats back this morning and they kept the three kittens in the office, and will try to tame them. I warned them they'd at first try to climb the walls, which is what happened, but Smoothie I think may be the key to taming them all, since he's the laid back one of the two boys and Orange Julius is very bonded with him. Greyson is very sweet and cute but has the nervous worrywart to his personality.

  6. Everything is so interconnected nowadays it's hard to figure out the best actions to take.



 Finally, my mysterious massive black tux yard stray, Pietro, is fixed and back with his people. He's come through the yard for maybe a ...