Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Night Visitor

Chop, the possum

I saw some of the apples fallen from the never ending apple tree out in front had bites taken out of them.  Some just one bite, others more, others ignored.   Like some animal had been sampling them.

I figured it would be a possum.   Last night I set up the game game and between 7:30 and midnight, Chop, the possum with end of tail gone, visited a few times.  I'd put a cut up half apple on the cement.  Much of it is still there this morning.  Guess Chop doesn't really like Golden Delicious apples very well.  

One cat came through about 7:30.  He lives on the street behind me.  

Possum butt end

The one cat who came along

 I found these mushrooms in my yard.   I looked online to try to ID them and all I could come up with is possibly false parasols.  They are poisonous, will make you sick if you eat them, if that's what they are, but generally not kill you.

According to online mushroom guides, once the parasol opens up, which might happen today, its easier to tell a false parasol from its lookalike the shaggy parasol, as the former will have greenish gills.  The other distinguishing factor is that the false parasol doesn't have a snake skin look to the stem, which is why I'm guessing this is a false parasol.  But...just guessing.

Lastly, driving the backroads home from the Salem clinic Monday I saw flocks of geese circling over a dead harvested corn field.


  1. Your possums look very different to ours. And ours LOVE granny smith apples.
    Love that flock of geese.

    1. Yeah he chewed some of the pieces up then spit them out. I love the golden delicious apples but this possum at least does not. There's a still apple dropping tree a block away and those are red apples of some variety. Chop needs to try those maybe.

  2. Chop is the perfect name. ~giggle~ Thanks for the awesome photos and that amazing video. The only comparable flocks we see here are invasive starlings.

    1. We used to have a lot of starlings around here but I have not seen the massive flocks of them I used to. I don't know why.

    2. That's interesting.

  3. That camera is fun. You get to see the critters that visit at night. I'm sure that comes in so useful for you.

    1. It's very fun. I love it, as a hobby.

  4. A game cam looks like it could be a lot of fun. I have no idea what happens at night around our house except for the poop that is left behind. Actually seeing them in action would be a lot more interesting.

  5. Flocks? That's like a gazillion geese.

    1. We do get a gazillion geese overwintering in the valley.



 Finally, my mysterious massive black tux yard stray, Pietro, is fixed and back with his people. He's come through the yard for maybe a ...