Saturday, September 09, 2023

Lake was Icky

 I took five bags of cat food to a young woman in Sweet Home, who needed food assistance badly.  She's trying to help her neighborhood cats in Sweet Home.  The Sweet Home area cat situation is always sad and dire, lots of suffering.  I was surprised to discover she's just a teenager.  Happy too, because a young person is getting involved.   

You don't have to fly to Maui to find cats suffering horribly.  

I had the bags in the back of my car, wrapped in a tarp so they wouldn't fall out the back.   I'd had my kayak in the back for days, meaning to go back to the lake and it was still in there.  Since the hatch remains open in the back when I carry the kayak, I needed the cat food bags in the tarp.  So after I delivered the cat food, I went on up to the lake.

I have to say it was icky with algae by now.  It always is this late in the year.   I always wonder if I'll catch something after being in it.  I took a shower the moment I got home, washed the clothes I'd worn too.  I did paddle quite a distance at least for some exercise.

It had a stench too in some areas

There was some big event going on at the day use area on the north side.  I don't know what.

I'm not going up to the lake again this year.   I can't stay out of that water in a sit on top kayak.  And its just too icky.  But I might go up to Waldo one night first of this week before everything closes for the winter, which up there is the 19th I think or 17th, can't recall.  I'll probably need to take long johns if I sleep the night in my car however.  The altitude there is over a mile up above sea level.  

I'm really disgusted with some of the people I once sort of knew.  I'll just say that.   Trying not to dwell on it.


  1. At times we get blue/green algae warnings for waterways and people are told not to swim in the water. It might not be too harmful but who wants to take the chance.

    1. Yeah, I don't. It smells in some places too, which is a real turnoff.

  2. I am sorry about the algae. Our blooms can make people and animals very ill. I hope you have escaped. I hope you can get to Waldo - and that it is lovely.

    1. I'm sure I'll be fine over kayaking in it. As for Waldo, I'll have to go fast, before everything closes for winter.

  3. Our summer has been hotter and dryer than normal and we've had a lot of algae growth - enough so that it's affecting the taste of some of the water supplies. Have fun at Waldo.

    1. I notice the taste of our drinking water is far worse in August too, and they load it with chlorine also.

  4. My teeny tiny water feature has algae. lol The birds still flit in my solar fountain stream, though, which makes me very happy. One thing that makes me very *un*happy is people who let you down. ~hugs~ Best wishes on a nice visit to Waldo.

    1. I need to move my bird bath, which is plastic, to the backyard, since the water gets too hot in the front but I wanted to watch them.

    2. It's a conundrum. :) Be well, my dear.

  5. So sorry the lake was a disappointment. And your friends. At least things are cooling off?

    1. Yes, its been very cool and comfortable, in low to mid 70's. I heard rumors of another possible short heat wave to come but haven't watched the news closely enough to say that for sure.

  6. Does Oregon have boat inspectors?
    We have them in Idaho. I believe they are looking for some type of algae.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Are you talking about the research boats I saw? They were from the federal geological department and testing for mercury in the waters and sediment. I later looked on their website and saw they are doing lots of research on mercury in and around reservoirs in the country.


No Gleaners

 I wanted badly to go to Gleaners yesterday.   I couldn't go however. They have strict rules about arriving sick.   I'd hoped the mi...