Sunday, April 09, 2023

The Real Easter Bunny

 I was worn out last night.  It was late, after 11:00 p.m.  I'd been at that darn apartment complex off and on since 4:30.  I had to reset traps tenants set, as one had piled a lot of dry food atop the trigger plate, which got under the trigger plate, preventing the trap from springing.

In hours, nothing went into the traps, not until I was ready to go home.  Then in quick succession, two different cats the tenants didn't know well, were in them.  One seemed tamer than the other.  I messaged the lady who lives on the next block to ask if she knew the cat.  I didn't get a reply until I got home, after midnight.

I got home after midnight because I'd pulled over, on Seven Mile Lane, just after crossing I5 on the overpass, to make  a phone call.   I stared down the dark road I was facing and saw movement in the dark on the road.

I looked closer.  It was a little rabbit.  The rabbit was wobbling its head and one foot seemed injured.  It was unable to move off the road.  Cars were going by, at high speed.  It was Saturday night and now late and I had been watchful for drunks out driving.   When the cars came near the rabbit who was in the center of a lane, they straddled it.  I could see it shake in terror from my vantage off the road.   I shone my big strong flashlight beam on the rabbit when more cars approached, hoping they'd see it and avoid hitting it with a tire.  Then I quickly ran out with a towel, put it over the rabbit and scooped it up into my arms, ran back to my car and quickly put the rabbit still wrapped in the towel, into a live trap.

The Real Easter Bunny

When I got home, I called Chimtimini Wildlife rehab center, over in Corvallis.  I knew they wouldn't answer but I got their hours from their message and also went to their website to follow their directions on overnight care.  I put the rabbit in the trap inside the big now empty dog crate Ebony had been in awhile, added a sock with a hand warmer inside it, and completely covered the dog crate.  The trap was also covered.  Don't feed, the instructions said.  Don't force water.   Put in dry warm dark place and leave alone.  I did that.

I got the message from the neighbor she thought the tabby tux cat belonged to neighbors across the street.  I decided in the end to return the cat right then, to get it done with, since this morning I'd be taking the rabbit, if it survived the night, over to the rehab center.   I let the cat out where it was trapped.  I didn't know if for sure it was or wasn't the cat owned down the block.  As I left, I saw a different tabby tux on the corner, across from the house the neighbor said owned the other one and I felt instantly bad, that maybe I'd released a stray who needed help and that the cat I was now looking at was the neighbor's cat.   I was demoralized, just because I was tired mainly.   There are so many strays around these parts and cats in need of help.

This morning I woke at 8:30 a.m., already tired.   I quickly did a few chores, then loaded the bunny, who had indeed survived the night, and headed over to Chimtimini with him or her.   They quickly took the rabbit in.  I gave them a cash donation.  Of course.  It costs to help animals.  

Tabby tux I returned last night, as lady down block said her neighbors owned it

Different tabby tux I saw as I left who may be the real owned tabby tux but who would ever know.

Another unknown from the complex.

I was tasked with filling spots for someone else, who will take them in herself but was too busy to catch them.   And got three of my own spots.  That's quite a lot of sudden work and I'm a bit out of practise on time management for such a job.

The vet student trapped two more very quickly where she lives, so they'll be fixed.   Two Sweet Home boys are being delivered later in the day, plus the latest park dumpee will get to go.  And two Albany cats will be going, along with one from the apartment complex.

Off to take a nap now, with the cats.  Happy Easter everyone and here's to the real easter bunny of Seven Mile Lane.

UPDATE:   I got 8 cats all rounded up, five to help out a fellow rescue trapper, who was very busy.   It took me all day, outside of my needed two hour nap, but I got it done.   Two big fighting brothers from Sweet Home, a boy from the complex, the latest Waterloo cat dumped, a girl and a boy from a very crowded half street, and along with two more from the vet student.  All but one are boys.  Bless the hearts of the women who are getting the girl and boy fixed.   Long ago, I took in three adult kittens from her.  A neighbor had owned her, then let her out on her own.   Now she will finally be fixed and retire from kitten making.  They are hoping to get every cat along that half block fixed.


  1. You are quite the multi-animal rescue person :-).

  2. Thank you so much. Again.

  3. Rest up. Quite a feat saving the Easter Bunny!

  4. Your such a kind and wonderful person.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  5. It sounds like a busy couple of days. Glad you were able to rescue the bunny.


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