Sunday, April 23, 2023

Rain Rain Go Away

 Rain, rain.  Go away

Don't come back another day.

We may get a break from constant rain!   Next week by Thursday or Friday, we might hit 75 or higher.

The rain and showers should slow down and maybe end tomorrow I think it is, at least for a few wonderful days.

Yesterday, it didn't rain all day, and I mowed the front lawn and weed ate the cat yard, enough labor to wear me out.

I can't wait til the grass dries and dies for the summer.   You might guess I'm not much of a yard work lover.   You'd be right.

I think bright green chemical laden weed free lawns are vomit worthy, not things of beauty.  How unnatural!   How many gallons and pounds of chemicals every homeowner dumps on a small lawn now to achieve the unnatural!   It's disturbing! 

I went to Lebanon and met a complete stranger at McDonalds yesterday.  He said he'd remind me how to play cribbage.  I'd commented on a facebook page post from this same man, wanting to start a cribbage club in town.   I said I didn't recall how to play since its been decades since I did play and he volunteered to meet up and play a reminder game.  

I first learned cribbage by watching the two rangers play with the two male summer help guys, when I was young working a summer job at a county park, as booth girl.  On breaks, they'd play in the shop, but when break was over they rarely stopped playing.  I'd go back to the booth and they'd say "call us if a county commissioner comes through".  Ha, like I would.

I played a few times the next summer, when I worked there again, only on the grounds crew.   Then I played a few times with grandfather when I visited him before he died.   But not since.  So its been a few decades.  In fact, its been about as long as the guy I played yesterday has been alive since I played.

I am trying to do a few things before I croak.  Like have some human interaction.   

Cribbage is a fun game.

I stopped in to see how Piper, the latest park dump, is doing at Mary's house.  She also has Tipper, the park dump from two months earlier.  Piper was lounging around like he had lived with her forever.   He's young and obviously came originally from somewhere with other cats cause he tries hard to engage her other cats in play but to them, he's the newcomer still stinky boy.   He was neutered two weeks ago.

Now she says, and so does a dog walker there, two more have been dumped.  Here is one of them.  She took and sent me this photo.  She cannot take in one let alone two more.  She's also in a precarious housing situation.   Poor cats.  I think its quite probable the same person is dumping all these cats.  Everyone is sick of it.  Fricking low life loser assholes.

With the constant rain, and mud in the cat yard, its so difficult to keep the place clean, even sweeping twice a day.  The cats track in mud from the cat yard, even bring in bark pieces of the logs from when the maple got cut, to play with as toys.   Seems like most of each day is spent cleaning.  Summer will mean less cleaning, because there's no mud.   I realized that with only two to maybe three months here without the ick and rain, I need to somehow cover most of the cat yard.  

Seems stupid my optimism has diminished this fact, in my mind, about the number of months the weather is lousy.  If my mind had been clear, I'd of covered it years ago.

Let the rain be gone.  Give us a summer, please, at least three months decent weather.   Thankfully finally this coming week should include several great days.


  1. I know how to play crib. Looks like we might have some good weather coming up. Every so often a person name Dan Stayer writes a letter to the editor of our local paper. Any contention?
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Strayer is just a username, not my name.

  2. It's time to make the summer project list, I guess. Sorry you're stuck with the rain. We finally got rid of it, and now it's warming into what our springs are usually like.

    1. Yup, almost summer, spring got mostly skipped, Wednesday here, mid 70's and maybe even 80 on Friday.....I cannot wait!

    2. Now if they'd just fill the reservoir, but because of the darn fishing people lawsuit, it can't be filled til the middle of May.

  3. We used to play cribbage for household chores. Originally we were fairly evenly matched and then himself started to win consistently. Changing the sheets on the bed (after I had lost yet another game) I discovered an 'Improve Your Cribbage Game' book under his pillow. We are again fairly evenly matched.
    Sigh at the lowlife dumpers.
    We are due some rain at the end of the week - I will welcome it.

    1. That's a funny story, EC about the improve your cribbage game book and chores.

  4. I've always been curious about cribbage, but never learned how to play. It might be fun to join a group if he gets one going.

    1. He said there are already two going, one in town here, the other down a few miles. He suggested if I join one, the one down a few miles is more my style, as the Albany one is highly competitive and not so social as the other one.

  5. I should clean my house and don't. ~hangs head~ You do wonders inside and out. ~nods~ I'd love to read about you playing cribbage. :D Best wishes, my dear.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...