Thursday, April 20, 2023

Killing One Another

 All these killings lately!   Kid knocking on the wrong door getting shot by some paranoid old guy sleeping with his gun like a lover or instead of a lover, through the door no less.   Kid and her parents whose ball rolls into the wrong yard getting shot by some wired up anger freak with a ready gun and an apparent hatred for balls.   Cheerleaders who get into the wrong car then apologize get shot by some guy with extreme anger issues, and a gun.  Young people going down the wrong driveway get shot at from a distance by a resentful brooding anger freak, with gun.   

I'm sick of it.  Can't figure it out.   Only watch news now when brave enough to go through the horror it will bring.

Are Americans sick in the head?  Or just some of us?  

Well, its not just Americans. Sudanese are right now butchering each other.  And then there's the Russians and Ukranians going at it, Russia being the aggressor.  Do we not see the small picture?  Of war?  Little kids being hurt or blown apart or starving to death or their parents being raped and blown apart, the animals suffering so.  Individual lives are being completely ruined and to me every little individual life cries out in horror.   I might be in the minority to see it this way.   To even think of the nestlings and the bird parents somehow trying to be normal before their tree is blown to pieces.

I'm sick of it I tell you.  

In the midst of it, the church people too scream about gun rights, about the last thing you'd think church people would do.  It's like a freak show, life now, where nothing makes sense.  

Wildfires rage in the summers, chemicals burn in toxic messes like the Illinois recycle plant fire.  Rich people and politicians jet back and forth around the world.  All these things producing massive impact on the climate and yet we little people who can barely afford gas are supposed to muster up and lay out for an electric car, to do our part, and I want to slap my knees and laugh til I cry.  Life is some kind of sideshow, I tell you.

Oh I should shut up.  I like to witness random kindness that has no real witnesses, no cameras, no cell phones recording it, nobody to slap another on the back and say "oh man what a nice person you are", just the raw kindness, is what I like to witness, on the sly.  That's the only kind, I think.

I got most of my cats flea treated today.   Had to trap some of them to do it.  I'm not up to chasing them all down now with a net.  Too old for that.  They're old too, easier to sneak up on when they're sleeping.  Ha!  

Mr. Musk, too bad your multi billion dollar rocket blew up.   Really, do you think we should be heading to Mars?  We've already littered the earths orbit with junk and a zillion satelites, most there the better to spy on one another and plot ways to kill each other and lots of the rest so we can post photos on facebook.

If the universe has a soul, it'd be sending a black hole our way to vacuum us up like a spilled mess on the couch.

Remember, we're specks.  We are all nothing in the vastness of space and time.  When you see puffed up people pounding their chests, saying look at me, just look away and go on about doing your thing, which hopefully isn't killing other people, and live your life like you don't count but like every moment does.   Ok, I will shut up now.  Don't know what got into me.


  1. Whatever got into you has infected me too. I sometimes think that the surest sign that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is that they have NOT contacted us. Who would want to make friends with something that was always on the attack and littered and destroyed their own home...
    And yes, I stay away from the news often, and welcome kindness.

    1. Sometimes I try to look at the earth as if I'm an alien coming in from far away, try to see the earth like a newcomer from afar and what would that being think? If they got close enough they might think some of the islands and beaches are so beautiful, or the mountains and waterfalls. I try not to strip it down too much because in reality we are living on a thin film of pulverized earth and debris, with mountains and hills thrust up like pimples that erupted then hardened and scarred the face, with make up in the form of pulverized or fetid debris, dotted in herbage that grows in such an environment, applied afterwards to turn them beautiful to the eye. Sometimes I think what if its a size perspective, and the earth itself is merely a cell in the body of a giant and we live like viruses or bacterias do, inside or atop that cell, that is really part of something else that is so vast we could never understand or see it.

  2. Very well stated and you are a long way from being a minority, certainly around the world, if not your own country.

    I often wonder if faced with a threat to my safety by a bad person, could I actually shoot them? It is theoretical of course. I won't have a gun and it unlikely the threatening person will either.

    1. I wonder that too, Andrew, its so explosive and violent and final--shooting someone. If someone was physically attacking me, I believe I would fight back like a cat, with all I had, but I don't know what I'd do. Maybe no one does, until that moment. Unless they're a trained soldier or officer. I would not own a gun because I forget where I've put things and I might reach into a drawer, distracted by a cat, and shoot my hand off. I reach into my purse sometimes and make embarrassing calls by accident when fumbling for something. Also having a gun when sometimes depressed is not wise. I read about shootings at bars so often and wonder who in the world thinks its a good idea to get drunk with a gun under your coat. No one hot tempered should have one either.

  3. Yep! There's a lot of messed up people and things in the world, but I can only do what I can do - try to be kind to those around me. And you do more than your share in making the world a better place with the help you provide to our feline friends and the people around them.

  4. Isn't the United States is plain crazy. Even today I saw anther person with gun on their hip. Plus a knife on his other side.
    Glad I don't mind being a home body.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  5. I know perfectly well what got into you. It's gotten into me, too. Too many people have been frightened out of their wits by news channels that are whipping them into a frenzy for their own ratings. They're selling them guns so the gun manufacturers can get rich. And they're placing the blame on the weak and helpless so as to distract from how they're profiting off of us. The French Revolution had to happen. The rich shouldn't be giving us blood lust.

  6. My husband does filter most of the (always bad) news. If that's one thing he can do for me from the couch, I'm grateful. Okay; he pays the household bills from his desk chair. lol Don't get me wrong, I do love the guy. Heh... Be well, my dear.

    1. I need a couch potato filter out the bad guy myself I think. But then I think, this little remote is about the same. Lol, just kidding around.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...