Saturday, April 29, 2023

Nice Weather

 I think it was over 80 degrees yesterday.  Maybe mid 80's.  Our little four day dance with the sun!  Today's our last day of it and by 5:00 p.m. it should be up to 75.  Tomorrow we drop about 20 degrees for a high and it will be cloudy all day. I haven't looked beyond that.  No heat I know.  Don't know about cold sun perhaps.

It's a huge let down to go from mid 70's to mid 50's.  The blues will be hitting lots of folks hard.

I've had Clover the petite white with orange girl who has been here a couple of years, in my bathroom ten days.  She's had a URI.   I took her to the vet, after finding her very very ill in a colony, so ill I could pick her up.  She had one clouded over eye.   The vet gave her anti viral pills that worked well in getting her well, in about two weeks.  The colony folks gave her up to me, since she has chronic herpes.   She lets me pet and brush her when in the bathroom for medication when she gets a URI, which isn't often, about once a year.

I'd love to find my shy Clover a responsible home where she'd get more attention, but those are so hard to come by.  She loves the grooming glove.

The orange and white girl from the Shedd colony had just two kittens in all, I'm told.  She had them in a live trap on the way to the FCCO, then ended up with Northwest Animals Companions. I have no photos of the kittens yet.

I didn't know the Lebanon woman who goes to the park and had seen two more cats was going to pick up the boy and take him to her house Monday but she did.   She has already taken in two lost boys from the park.  It is kind of hard to take, to see a cat crying for attention and not knowing what to do, so I can understand it.   But, she said she couldn't keep him.

I had talked about finding the pregnant girl a foster in Portland but nobody has seen her in a couple days at the park I'm told.  Now I needed to find this boy somewhere but a Portland group took him yesterday to foster then get into the same place Ebony went for adoption.

So Mickey is off to a new beginning

On the way back from driving him up to Portland, I see smoke off north of Keizer, black smoke, lots of it.  Don't know what was burning.   Saw lots of flames and emergency vehicles as I passed it.

With the weather warming I dream of going to the lake with my kayak. It's really the only recreation I can afford and enjoy.  

 I bought the stupid $19 permit we now must buy in Oregon for the privilege of floating on a public waterway.   The state spends the money not to improve anything I know of related to the waterways around here.  Who knows where the money goes.  Can't even afford to camp anymore in state campgrounds they're so expensive.   Despite the state claim to be environmental/climate change fighters, blah blah blah, and tax gas, they make no move to revert the campgrounds back into tent camper friendly places, and cater only to the giant gas guzzler RV crowds.   Hypocrisy at its best.

In fact, the reservoir is still way low due to the fisher people lawsuit, that says it can't be filled until middle of May.  Other states celebrate they can store water when they get rain.  In Oregon, one lawsuit can stop two reservoirs, just near me, others too, from holding water, until late spring.  One dry spring and we're fucked.


  1. We are having your buckets of rain at the moment - which is fine by me.
    Thank you for all that you do. I do hope you can get to the lake soon.

  2. I hope I'm wrong, but we're heading into a dry summer.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. We need a dry summer. We're sick of months of fricking rain. We've had plenty.

  3. So happy that you got to see a little sun. Hope it won't be too long before you see some more.

    1. I heard maybe in a week we may get a nice day again, like on Mother's Day Sunday I think it is.

  4. That's some wins for the cats. Yay. Sorry about the reservoir. Some people are very short sighted when it comes to things that affect (effect? I never know which one) them directly.


15 Cats

 I'm taking 15 cats up to be fixed at the FCCO in the morning. 9 are from the 12th street Lebanon colony while the other six are from th...