Saturday, April 01, 2023

Housing Costs are NUTS

 The house two down from mine is up for sale again.   The people bought it under two years ago, for $355,000.  Now they are asking $405,000.  

But even sadder?  There are places going for near that in Sweet HOme that look like they need bulldozed.

Horrific prices, for normal people (not developers or rich retirees or work at homers moving in from other parts of the country by the score) wanting a home.

Other parts of the country would scoff at such high priced crap being sold around here.

These are hardly mansions along this block but you'd think they morphed into mansions on their own the last five or six years, the way their selling prices have rocketed.  

In other news, cat food prices once again are soaring.  Higher and higher.   Fuck that too.


  1. Housing prices are insane here too. I have no idea how people get their foot on that ladder. And yes, our food prices are escalating too. Including cat food.

  2. Housing cost is just plain ridiculous.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  3. Housing prices the world over are becoming obscene. More renters who care less, less owners beyond profit. Sometimes it is good to be old.

    1. They are insane. My friends in Sweet Home have rented a house under 1000 sq. ft. built in the 40's and now the landlord is trying to sell it for an outrageous price. They, meanwhile, are trying hard to work lots of overtime so they can move to Michigan, where they may be able to afford their own place. The price difference in homes, here and there, is like night and day.

    2. Yes, sometimes its ok to be old, won't have to survive these outrageous prices too much longer.

  4. There are definitely regional differences in house prices. When we moved to this area from the south, we got a house 1/2 the size that cost 2x as much. Prices are high and have skyrocketed in the last couple of years. It is definitely pricing people out of the market for both buying and renting.

    1. Not to mention higher property prices raise property taxes (which renters pay too through rent increases).

  5. Yup, you should see what's going for $1 million or above around here. It's almost like corporations buying up houses to rent out for a profit is hurting the housing market or something.

    1. Is that why Californians are moving up here? Just on this half block there are three or four houses of displaced former Californians and the house next door, now a rental, is owned by former Californians with Californian renters. They should move to N. Dakota or Michigan, where housing prices are normal (according to Zillow).


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...