Monday, April 03, 2023

Ebony Get Entropion Surgery

 Today, while being neutered, the vet determined Ebony did indeed have entropion going on in both eyes.  Poor guy.  I hadn't really even seen his eyes, he squinted them so tightly from all the irritation of eyelashes turned in, brushing the cornea.

So they fixed his eyes with surgery on both.  It's a quick surgery, kind of a nip and tuck sort of thing, to flip out the lashes off the cornea.

For the first time, when I picked him up, since the Lebanon folks caught him, I could see his eyes!

The sutures are dissolvable but he'll stay here a couple extra days getting babied.

Isn't that about the most wonderful thing?   A stray boy, going in for neuter, comes out with his painful irritated eyes fixed too, like he's really important and cherished, this Lebanon stray boy.  I love the thought.

This is him right after I picked him up from the clinic this afternoon.   Thank you so much OHSS clinic!


  1. Such a simple cure for what must have been awful for poor Ebony.

  2. Oh, I bet he'll be so much more comfortable now.

    1. It will be a night and day difference for him.

  3. What a better quality of life Ebony will have now!

  4. So happy for Ebony! Thank you.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...