Thursday, February 02, 2023

What if......

 When I visit places like the Scravel Cat colony, and the Shedd colony, I think omg this is cat heaven.

Both colony locations are indeed everything a cat would ever want.  There are outbuildings galore with all kinds of hidey places, old equipment, hay piles, holes to dive through, rooftops to lay out atop to soak up rare sun...tall grass, blackberry bushes....

What if the colony caretakers were younger.  What if they'd fixed the first couple cats?   All that space left open for?   What if they were indeed cat lovers and then could take on abandoned colonies of fixed cats on the perfect properties for it!  Helping other cats instead of requiring help now, because those first cats were never fixed.


  1. What if indeed. Sad that it didn't happen, and likely never will.

    1. Yeah it is. Opportunity wasted. Real difference that could have been made instead of being part of the problem.

  2. What if...? You'd have to find another cause...

  3. That's a bittersweet consideration. Hugs, my dear.

  4. Some people have to learn things the hard way. You can tell them that unfixed cats will multiply. Until they have to live with those consequences, they won't truly "get" it.

    1. This darn three colony feeder man doesn't live with the consequences cause he feeds his colonies on other people's private property and he sees nothing wrong with that. The property owners live with the consequences of his actions. So when I trap them, he doesn't help, he skulks around not wanting to be seen as the culprit and I have to get permission from the property owner. He pisses me off big time.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....