Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Bad Man Dead

 I was relieved to hear that law enforcement tracked down a very bad man in southern Oregon.  He'd tortured a woman, nearly to death.  She's still in the ICU and hasn't come to again.  I don't know if she will live or not.  

He'd been released from a Nevada jail the moment he was sentenced for a similar crime and others since he had been in jail awhile.  So then he comes to Oregon and commits an atrocity on a woman, then runs when the law comes after him, kills two men and hides in their house.  But when the law caught up to him, he killed himself.  Good riddance I say.  Spare everyone, especially victims and their families a lot.  

I went out to the Shedd colony again, since the caretakers' daughter got five spots at the Salem clinic.   42 caught out there so far.  Now, make that 47.   Caught five unfixed ones.

Here are photos I took while there.

Mr. Awesome, now sporting a right eartip.

Anyhow caught five more, but still see about 11 that are not yet fixed.  Does this ever end?


  1. Lovely photo. I still believe most people has a good spirit. But there is still people who is just plain sick.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Like your Idaho college student killer?

  2. That looks like a wonderful area for cats. Lots and lots of places to hide. I imagine trapping there can be a challenge.
    That man doesn't sound like society will miss him, now he is gone.

    1. It's cat heaven! Trapping is a challenge but mainly just lots of waiting. Can't say too hard at all, just need patience.

  3. They look quite healthy but fur coats can be deceptive. Who would have thought a cat could disguise itself so well by sitting on a tractor.

    1. Most are very healthy. I had to look twice to see that muted torti on the tractor. Even the cream colored line down her nose lines up with the color of the lines on the barn boards behind her.

  4. What a tragedy that man caused. I'm glad he can't do any more harm.
    That Mr. Awesome is one handsome cat!

    1. He caused so much horror. It's good he's gone from earth. Mr. Awesome is very very good looking!

  5. No, it doesn't end. But you're making a difference. It may not seem like it, but there are fewer cats than there would be without you.

  6. Oh, those are nutria again. ~shudders~ Capybara are neat but these miniatures swarming... Ugh... Best wishes, my dear.

    1. Yeah, took me forever out there to catch five more due to those beasts. They like cat food and were under the drop trap eating more than the cats were.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....