Sunday, February 05, 2023

Lunch Out and Sleep Day

 I returned the five cats yesterday to the Shedd colony.  While there, I noticed my drop trap was askew.  The large flat four inch thick step stone, on the back flap, to hold it in place, was no longer on the back flap.  The trap was turned sideways too, and now the transfer door was in backwards.

I asked the old couple what happened to my trap and they gave a vague reply, that a couple nutria had a fight.  I think she hit it with her truck.  I don't know but I hope they don't destroy that trap.

The kittens left Friday night.   

Saturday just after I got home from returning the traps, a woman from Brooks, north of Salem, arrived.  She wanted to go to lunch in Corvallis at the Spaghetti Factory.  I'd been there only once before, years and years ago, with my brother and his wife.  I remembered nothing about it.  

I'm not big on American Italian food.  I read Andrea Camilleri Inspector Montalbano crime books.  The Inspector loves Italian food and it makes me hungry for real Italian food to read what he's having next at his favorite local restaurant or that his housekeeper has prepared for him.  Let's just say my expectations were much higher about the food, than turned out to be truth.

I was not honest about why I was disappointed in the outing.  It had little to do with the food and everything to do with its price.   $30 is a terribly lot of money to me and I should have taken the time to look up and see the prices before I agreed to go.  I was shocked to see the prices when I arrived with her, but didn't want to make a big fuss especially when I should have looked it up before going.  So instead I berated the food afterwards because I was angry at myself for such a mistake.  

When I got home, I promptly fell asleep in my chair.  I'd turned on the TV but have no idea what came on, and only awoke when two very loud monstrous diesel pickups, from the car lot people house, pulled to the curb in front of my house, belching and roaring like freight trains.  One woke me again, when it left hours later, and I had by then retired to my bed.  I do not like those trucks.

For months I receive calls from some illegitimate outfit calling themselves Care Together or something and they claim to be with the Medicare Advantage Plan I'm on.  I receive the calls repeatedly, with unknown numbers from tiny places all over Oregon, some I've never heard of.  My phone marks them as spam.   They claim to offer services to meet your health goals but I think they are scamming medicare with the mark of approval from Medicare Advantage plan.  I never answer the calls and block the number, only to receive a call a week or two later from some other number.   My brother in Idaho receives the same harrassing calls, he said and once filled out one of their supposed health goal surveys only to be advised to increase health by sleeping enough and drinking adequate water.  Which made him laugh out loud.   They're just skimming more money off medicare and I think I'm going to try to stop their harrassment by reporting them to the state consumer protection department and also to a senator who helps with medicare issues.  In the last phone message left by one of these phoners, the woman said she was just checking in to see how I was since the last time she spoke with me.  Well I've never spoken to any of them, so what a lying joke.  These useless scammer programs drive up costs of medical insurance.  


  1. A big sigh at the damage to your trap, the woeful food and the scammers. Hooray for meeting up with a friend and for sleep.

    1. I expected Italian food, but now realize they are spaghetti house, not Italian food. That said, they should not be serving undercooked shrimps.

  2. Well, at least you got to see your friend. That was the point of the outing, right? I guess you'll just have to keep a lookout for a mom and pop Italian restaurant to get your fix.

    I thought I read somewhere that a guy figured out how to sue some of these spam callers and get a payout from them. I can't remember the details now. I wish I had kept something from that so I could forward it to you, although it was probably more trouble than it was worth.

    1. This group of spammers are extremely persistent and the way they call you again and again and again, oh my! I must have blocked over 20 numbers they use by now, just this little group of people, claiming to be with the Advantage Plan.

  3. I am not sure about your country but here pizzas can be very complicated with so many toppings, unlike how they are made in Italy. Heavily topped pizzas have their place but it is at times nice to have a simple pizza with simple toppings.

    1. Yes the pizzas here probably do not resemble anything of those made Italy. I do like to make my own pizza with just a few toppings sometimes.

  4. If you figure out how to get rid of spam calls, that would be a miracle. It seems they always have another trick up their sleeve. :(

    1. They are so annoying! I have my phone set so when an unknown number calls it goes straight to voicemail. I don't have to hear it ring or anything. Most scammers don't leave voicemails except these folks do. Being over 65, I have a scammer target on my back.

  5. I'd not heard of this scam. ~sigh~ I hope the trap isn't ruined. To be honest, I kind of laughed because my brother-in-law told a story yesterday about his mother scraping her car against his friend's vehicle and she denied until he showed her the paint evidence. I can still picture my late mother-in-law acting cagy. lol In Dayton, Ohio we have a Spaghetti Factory and I've never been terribly impressed. I would enjoy meeting you there, though. ~hugs~ Best wishes, my dear.

    1. Yeah it was the price that got to me, for a plate of pasta, that costs so little. Blaming it on the nutria was hysterical. I almost burst out laughing.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....