Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Lots of Sadness in the World

 My brother and his wife's 15 year old dog died a couple days ago.  I had thought he was getting better but no, and they had to call a vet to come to their home.   Carter has been my brother's best friend for so many years.  I know this is terribly hard on both of them.

His wife's aunt, who cared for her mom til she died of Covid near Christmas, shortly after entering a nursing home, had a stroke and heart attack, same time and laid in her apartment there in Boise for a day, before she was found.  When they scanned her brain to find the stroke area, they found a massive brain tumor.  Then they found cancer throughout her body too.  Bones, lungs, colon---everywhere, and gave her only a short time to live.

I know my brother isn't close to his wife's aunt and I don't know how close his wife is to her but that's a lot of death and suffering in the last couple months for them.   

A cat lady I know, not that well, have met her once or twice only, she's getting evicted, has to be out of her place, with her elderly mom and boyfriend, by June.  Hope they don't join the hordes out there living in cars, trucks, tents, old RV's.  Another person I know is having her residence sold out from under her by her landlord and will have to find somewhere else to live rather quickly.   

Seems like there are hardships everywhere.  The Ukraine war is full of absolute horrors humans are inflicting on other humans, and for no good reason either, outside of Putin's desire to pump his ego.   The surviving soldiers and civilians will taint the next generations with the traumas they've been through.  What kind of a species are we anyhow, I think sometimes.   We will cheat people, screw people over, steal from them, kill them, evict them, starve them, demean them and still head off to church with our family pretending that's just all normal.

Enough of all that.   Nothing I can do about any of that.   I've lived through my share of hardships with many more to come.

Tonight I'm just going to cozy up with my cats and read until sleep comes and watch the stars if they show through the clouds out my window and be happy.


  1. As individuals we are rather powerless to fix world problems. We have to ensure the right people are in office to deal with these matters. In spite of dire predictions, your old bloke leader hasn't broken anything and seems reasonable.

    1. The old bloke is doing ok. I judge all that now by Mr. Redhead and the daily new dramas and toddler type tantrums that were center stage while he was president. It was so tiring.

  2. Not much to say except, life is hard sometimes. Thank goodness, there are good parts, too.

    1. Yeah, its' just how things go. The jungle.

  3. It gets to be too much, when it all hits at once. I think we all need some time to have some happy, boring times.

    1. Mild and boring times can be wonderful, especially reading in bed, with my cats around me. I do think when I'm reading like that, life could not be any better than this.

  4. Good people suffer while evil proliferates in its many insidious forms. ~sigh~ It's folks like you and the beautiful legacies proliferated that hearten me.

    1. I know its just life in the jungle that is this world. Fang and claw and outposts of peace.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....