Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Lackluster Days

 Not much to do today.    I have so few cat appointments lately.   

I set my alarm for a change this morning at least.  I wanted to see the snow, if it came in the night, as predicted.  There wasn't much and it didn't last very long but there was some.  I got up at 5:00 a.m.

The snow vanished fast after sunrise.

I've been trying to fix my trap remotes.  Both were not working.  I was able to fix the younger one, the Hobby King, but not the ancient Futaba.   I took apart the sender and the components in the receiver/servo box, that I used to to strap atop a trap and trigger the trap from the servo motion, and tested for power between and in all components.  All get power.   So......well anyhow Sam wanted to help.

Turned out, he was no help.   He wandered off and my mind wandered off elsewhere and I put away the electronics for now.  

I got my window back yesterday.  My brother called the glass shop, since he knows them and uses them in his business.  This surprised me, since he lives so far away.   Anyhow, I went and got it and had it back in place pronto.

Friday the Shedd colony caretaker has a few appointments again.  All I need to do is trap four of the unfixed ones out there among the 42 fixed ones.  Yeah, that could be a very long cold sit job.  I put some handwarmers in the car, so I won't forget them.   And a book.  I will need a working remote control to finish this colony no doubt.    Or to make it a little easier.

I forgot, I need to go get a cabbage, to distract the nutria, although they like cat food better than cabbage.

I've been very alone for weeks.   My new neighbors, the guy is gone most of the time driving truck seems like.  He's only back home today for three hours before heading out again, he said.   Well anyhow.   

Not a lot going on.


  1. You know more about fixing remotes than I do. Sorry you weren't able to fix it easily, but hopefully it's not completely done for.

    1. I'm not optimistic about finding its problem. It was a fine radio and receiver unit, that had tremendous range capabilities and penetration through like walls or other objects that would cause most RF to scatter.

  2. We also had new skiff of snow this morning.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. I didn't know you had remotes for traps. I assumed you pulled a string.
    Yes, it doesn't look like you had to shovel snow to get out this morning.
    Your window looks like one we would have. You have quite cold weather. Do you not have double glazing?

    1. For selective trapping, I do usually pull or cut a string. I don't have to selective trap that often, really, until this huge colony in Shedd. I rarely use the remotes due to them being quite sketchy, both in their range and interference and just plain malfunctioning. When I pull I string, it works every time. Not so much with the one working trap remote. I wanted to fix my oldest one to use at this colony due to it having FM range and penetration ability.

    2. That window is double paned but no glazing. It's down to 24 degrees here currently and allegedly will be 19 degrees F before it gets above freezing about 10:30 this morning.

  4. We haven't had any more snow this year than I see in your picture which is very unusual. Sounds like it's time for a good book.

    1. That does seem strange, L and L, on your lack of snow there.

  5. Not much going on in my life either. Here in Idaho political I'm in minority class.
    It hard to find things to do.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....