Thursday, January 12, 2023

Mr. Awesome

 Once again I did not catch Mr. Awesome this morning, at the Shedd colony. 

But I saw him.  He just didn't go under the drop trap.   At that time, when he wandered up, there were two other cats eating under the trap.  One was a skinny mac tabby who is already fixed.  The other, a huge unfixed black male.  I knew two huge males likely wouldn't share food space.  They instead got in a small tiff and both went off different directions.

I have my quota for tomorrow.  One over in fact.  11 adults will go with the colony caretakers daughter up to the FCCO plus the two kittens in my bathroom.

The other three kittens are going to the vet tomorrow.  They're almost two weeks down the road in URI/diarrhea from the two in my bathroom.   One was cold to the touch when I removed her from the trap yesterday, from dehydration.  She may not make it.   Anyhow, 9:00 a.m. is their appointment tomorrow, for all three, hours after the bathroom pair leave.  

I can't imagine it would be panleuk, as their decline has not been rapid, but rather over several weeks.  We shall see what the vet can do for them.  

Anyhow, my work is almost done, for awhile, except for the three kittens I'll be left with.  

Colony caretaker doesn't have more reservations for cats at this colony for another two weeks.  13 were fixed from this colony last September.   Now I've caught 19 more, if you include the five kittens.  Most are quite healthy although some of them struggle with URI diarrhea until they get over a year or two old.  There are not that many that look unhealthy, however, of the bunch.  Many are huge.

When you have that many unfixed adult cats breeding and fighting, diseases creep in.  Like FIV and Feline Leukemia.


  1. He really is big and impressive. And looks in good nick - which is amazing for a cat in the wild. I hope that the kittens can get the help they need - including the one who is so very sick.

    1. Me too, EC. How are your kittens doing, any better?

  2. He is quite handsome.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Unrelated to your post but one of our lost animals home has said there has been an explosion in the number of kittens born in the past year and is offering heavily discounted neutering and spaying this coming weekend. The statistic I heard was in its thousands, that is how many kittens can be born in five years from one mating if nature takes its course.

    1. A female cat can have three litters a year, Andrew, maybe four or five kittens per litter. Then female kittens can go into heat as young as four months of age.

  4. Wow, that cat is huge. Is that all muscle?

    1. I don't know, but his balls are small.

  5. Mr. Awesome looks like a bobcat he's so big!

  6. My heart goes out to you for the kitties that don't make it through. ~hugs~ I hope they do recover. And that male is huge. Is his tail missing or am I just not see it? Either way, he's gorgeous. Take care, my dear!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....