Friday, January 13, 2023

11 Adults, Two Kittens

 I got up very early to change all the cats to clean traps for their trip, with the colony caretaker's adult daughter, to the FCCO this morning.  I got it done in no time, actually.  I have a system.

When they arrived, I helped her husband load them into their car.  Then she and I went into the bathroom to get Zippy and Silly, the kittens leaving.   I was too dead brained from the early hour to realize that wasn't good idea, to suddenly have a stranger appear in their space.  Zippy freaked out somewhat.  I hope  they get accepted into the FCCO Kitten Caboose.  They have to be tame to get into that program.

I sent the FCCO what I call a Kitten Apologist email after they left, telling them they really are wonderful sweet kittens but all this is new to them. Of course the FCCO employees are big time cat lovers and know cat behavior like nobody on earth.   

I've got to return three of the big boys fixed before, this morning, and take the other three kittens to the vet.

The colony people will bring the cats back here for recuperation this evening.  I return them tomorrow.  Then hopefully I'll just have those three extra kittens to deal with.   I would love to find a rescue willing to take them on, rather than hope they tame fast enough for the Kitten Caboose in two weeks.

Well are the 11 going up today.

And so long Zippy and Silly (I hope).  


  1. Awww... What sweet faces. And thank you for the video; the music is perfect. :D By the way, I found a recipe for Alaska Salmon Squaw Candy if you're interested. We brought some home from our 1999 Alaskan trip and found the maple sweetness overwhelming but I thank you for the reminder of that vacation. A week was not long enough for such an amazing state.

    1. We home made ours. I lived with a couple for awhile, in their quonset hut, milked their cow in exchange for living there, other chores. We made squaw candy, from salmon Mike caught. We barely used the maple syrup to avoid it being overpowering. It all came back with your post. I'd forgotten.

  2. Silly is a great name for a cat. I'm sure the cat earned the name.

  3. Well done you. Mr Amazing has left his mark I see.

    1. Mr. Amazing has certainly left quite a large number of marks, as you can see from the colors in the colony cats.

  4. I know the feeling of brain dead.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Don't we all! In a way, its kind of a natural high, shut down and droned out.

  5. Well done! Are your boots still working well?

    1. The boots are fabulous. Not only supportive and comfortable but also waterproof. Just perfect!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....