Monday, January 30, 2023

Freeze Out!

 It's cold here.  Nothing like the midwest gets or the northeast.   But still---cold!

Down in the mid to low 20's for the night.  Much colder elsewhere in the state.  3 degrees where my niece lives in central Oregon.   6 degrees where my brother lives in Idaho.

Even down on the south coast where my other brother lives--27 degrees, which is kind of unheard of there, near the coast.  

I had some trouble sleeping last night, thinking about the freezing homeless folks and the Shedd colony cats and other animals freezing.

I got some cancellation appointments today at the Salem clinic and was thrilled, of course.   A friend up in Brooks has quite a few needing done, and she caught two--Gimly and Wizard.  I met her in a downpour Saturday night, up at the rest area, to get them.   



I went to Sweet Home and got two more last night.  These were at an apartment complex.  The family said usually they would have called Vicki, the head of KATA, to help with unfixed cats, but Vicki died and KATA is long gone now.  So I got them and getting Sweet Home females fixed is a really good thing!



The last spot was to go to a wild teen living in a guys house.  He'd taken in two teens from a woman who said she'd tamed them from a colony but they went wild in his house with a stranger.  The other one got fixed elsewhere but he's had trouble catching the second one and was unsuccessful again yesterday.  So instead Delilah went, one of the Shedd colony kittens from my bathroom.  Mischief, the other one, is sure I've taken her off to slaughter I think.   Made me feel bad.  They are so bonded.

Yesterday I got in a mood to do another project.   I decided to lower the stove.   Since purchasing it, it had been sitting on the build up, atop which the former drop in range sat, about four inches higher than the counter, and not level.   So I pulled it off that build up and cut the shelf underneath out with a sawzall.  This didn't take very long.   I had thought it would be much harder than it proved to be, so had put it off.  In under an hour, I had everything cleaned up and the range pushed back in.  It's now level and countertop high.

Here's what it looks like now

Here's what it looked like before.

I can cross that project off my list.

Nothing much going on other than picking up the cats later today.   I don't mind the cold, really.   Makes me feel alive!


  1. Neither Gimly nor Wizard look happy. It is for your own good guys and you WILL feel better. Well done on getting another project crossed off.

    1. Those two are extremely wild. I get to take them back to their home after pick up, as they'll recuperate there for the night. Which is good. Sweet Home folk will also recuperate the girls. I won't have to space heat the garage tonight, which is good, considering the cost of electric and the cold snap.

  2. Congratulations on your stove project! It now looks exactly like it was meant to be there.

    1. Thanks. It does look perfect now. I think.

  3. My husband finds the cold invigorating. I just find it cold. :) Nice work with your stove, and great job with the cats.

    1. It is very invigorating. I like to take walks in the cold. Thanks on the stove and the cats.

  4. It been cold here in North Idaho for the last few days.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Probably a lot colder than here.

  5. Mischief will be relieved when Delilah returns. Too bad you can't just explain things to them.

  6. Well done, on all fronts. ~hugs~ Stay safe, my dear.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....