Saturday, January 28, 2023

Busy Days


Old Man Slinko

The ten cats left my garage early early yesterday morning, to head off with the colony caretakers daughter and her husband, to be fixed at the FCCO.

Almost lost Mr. Awesome.   Heart stopper moment!

I had transferred the cats to clean traps, one at a time, prior to their arrival.  I did Mr. Awesome last.  Then the husband and I carried him to their car and when we tried to lift him in the trap into the car, the back transfer door flopped loose.   Holy Loose Monster in the Hood!

Well, there was a towel covering the loose door so Mr. Awesome didn't charge it and didn't get loose.  When I transferred him to the clean trap I didn't get the transfer door down both its tracks, so one side was loose, although it was still clipped at the bottom.

Quickly remedied that by placing the back of my other large trap against it, to block any opening and slid the transfer door completely off then back down, this time through both tracks, and clipped it shut.  Whew!

The ten cats turned out to be five girls and five boys.  The five girls were one of the two adult blacks, the black kitten, the torti of course, the buff teenager and the all gray.  The five boys were all four orange tabbies, including Mr. Awesome, Hugo the Humongous,  Half Ears and one other Orange tabby I call Mr. Mellow.   Then there's the black big boy I call Black Beauty.  I have a heater on the cats for their overnight post surgery and Half Ears is laid out as close as he can get to the heat source, loving it.

I worked all day doing projects.   I insulated the edges of the board blocking the window.  It looks nicer, from the inside than the window now. I cleaned and cleaned, did laundry, put up wall hooks for various things in the garage, took several things I no longer use to the Habitat Restore, that kind of day.  I cleaned a heavy plastic cat house my cats refuse to use (its sold as a dog house and a friend gave it to me years ago), and will take it with me to place at the colony when I return the cats this morning, stuffed with the last of my straw.  Hopefully those cats will use it there.

It may lightly snow tonight.

With all the classified documents being found at the homes of former President Donald Trump, President Biden and now former VP Pence, I laughed at this....

This is video I took at the Shedd colony in the barn, cats everywhere, since they were hungry.  I was after only one more, at this point, on Wednesday and caught the black kitten, who is a girl.    Many of these in the barn are not yet fixed.

Lastly, here's Rogue, 3 months after his bout with vertigo and middle ear infection.  He still has a slight head tilt, but has begun his tears around the house again, full of energy.  You wouldn't know he's an old guy.

Pressure is off in taming the two bathroom kittens adequately for Kitten Caboose, in a very short time because they'll age out of eligibility soon.   The colony caretaker's daughter and her husband will adopt them.

My electric bill is in the mailbox and has been for days.  I have a terrible fear of taking it out and opening it, since the rate hike.  I can't face it so its just sitting in the mailbox.  I suppose I better muster up.


  1. It looks like Rogue has no lasting effects from his problems. Another cat among hundreds/thousands that you've saved!

    1. He still has ever so slight head tilt but otherwise seems just back to normal.

  2. You have been busy and productive. As always. Glad that you didn't have an escapee. Sadly that bill won't get any smaller sitting in your letter box.

    1. I thought it would go down by $5 per day I left it there in the letter box. I heard that, maybe it was on facebook.

  3. Good thing Mr. Awesome didn't realize he could escape. It's not good when the equipment fails us.

    1. Well it was more like human failure. Mine. Yes, very good thing he didn't realize one end could be easily compromised for escape.

  4. There seems to a bureaucratic process problem with these classified documents where the classification was not taken seriously.

    More fine cat work, and pleasure at times. Good luck with the bill.

    1. Can't they review them when first seen then put them in the "classified only" box or something. Seems easy to me. But I don't live in the White House.

  5. The BabylonBee is a fun spoof website I never remember to follow. lol Well done on all these good deeds!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....