Thursday, December 22, 2022

Cold but Not That Cold

 It's like 23 or so degrees here.  I expected it would be colder.  Not that I want it to be colder.

Ice finally is building up in the driveway.  I'm not going out there.   I don't want a broken leg or knee.

If I have to go out there with ice I'll take some towels and throw them out in front of me to walk on.  Or pull oversized socks on over my shoes.  Something like that.  Traction devices.  I don't want a broken leg or head.

Its nice and cozy in the house, with my cats.   That could change if the power goes out but I don't think we'll get enough ice to take down power lines or too many tree branches.

The people behind me haven't ever trimmed or pruned their fir tree.  I'll be pissed if it comes down and takes out my cat yard.  They won't lift a finger to help if that happens, know that from experience with them.  Ah, that won't happen anyhow, right?

Not enough ice is going to come from this storm.  Should be short lived.  Be gone by tomorrow noon or evening I think they said.  I don't know though.  Short thing.

And then it warms up to like Florida type temps for Christmas.  I'm not kidding.  Probably be close to 60 by Sunday.  Can you believe that?


  1. That is a HUGE temperature change in a very short time.
    Stay warm and safe.

  2. I do remember 32 F is freezing, so it is cold for you. I read in some colder parts, it is -6F. Buy a pair of non slip rubber spiked socks to walk on ice, made for old people so they don't slip in their homes.

    1. Good idea on the rubber spiked socks.

  3. We've had a couple of days of freezing rain and sleet that has changed to rain, so hasn't caused much problem if you were able to stay in for a couple of hours. Two days of rain is changing to very windy, cold temperatures today. Winter is indeed here, both on the calendar and in the weather. We will have a cold, but clear Christmas.

    1. Wasn't really driveable today at all, with the ice sheet covering the roads. Lots of people tried and ended up in ditches. Hundreds upon hundreds of accidents. I just stayed home.

  4. Yeah, we're supposed to be in the upper 70s tomorrow and Sunday. Wild.

    Could you take pictures of the tree and if something were to happen, could you sue your neighbors for clean up money? I mean, it would probably be a small claims court thing, but some cash might be helpful if they won't help voluntarily and their negligence takes out your property.

    1. I doubt my brother would take the time to sue and he owns the property but I built the cat yard, which the tree would take out. I'll take photos though. They're such scammers they'd likely bill their homeowner insurance for it damaging their fence, which is already fallen apart, and want even the wood that's fallen on my property, but wouldn't want to cut it up, would expect it to be cut and delivered. They're those kind of people.

  5. Once again I'm reminded how blessed we are with good neighbors. ~hugs~ Take care, my dear.

    1. I remember getting a manual chainsaw (a cutting chain with ropes on each end and a throw bag) to cut off branches of the maple, that hung over their yard, afraid one might drop on their property, not wanting anything to damage their property or hit them. I remember them wanting the lumber I'd accumulated prior to putting up two sections of fence to block the spot where theirs had fallen, on the far side of the chain link fence. They claimed I could donate it to them and they'd repair their fence, which never would have happened and I didn't fall for it. I remember getting their male cat fixed for them finally, with their permission, anyhow....on and on and on, and the latest the promise to pay back the vet bill for Gigi, never happened either.....I just hope they don't get more animals.



 We have had soo much rain the last few days. Came down in buckets.    I spent the weekend sleeping off last week.   Strange dreams too. In ...