Saturday, November 12, 2022

Neighbor Cat Saturday Night

 How about some photos of cats who aren't my cats, but who hang out in my yard like they own it?

I haven't seen Fritter (a.k.a. Kujo) for awhile now.  I wonder if something happened to him.

Lately though a new cat has been hanging out in my yard.  The neighbors behind me said he's always at their place but really lives at the blue house, down two houses from them, they said.   

But he's in my yard a whole lot.  He's the long hair white with black.  Until I figure out a better name, I call him Pretty Boy.

The gray tux boy on the left lives at that house behind the shed, which is the house behind my next door neighbors house.  The long hair white and black looking straight at the camera--he lives somewhere on Marion St. but I'm not sure where.   The gray tux boy used to have a black tux brother, but I haven't seen him in awhile.  

Gigi, who also belongs to the folks behind me, but I doubt she goes home much.  She's always in my garage.   Her real name is Butters, but I call her Gigi.

I call him Pretty Boy for now.   He likes my car, so I have to make sure he's not in it when I leave.

Besides Gigi, Pretty Boy, the gray tux boy, another long hair, from the house behind me, the son's cat, who got out almost immediately after they moved in with his mother there, frequents my yard but fortunately mostly stays where he belongs, in the yard of the house behind me.  Like I say, I haven't seen Fritter, the long hair buff tux, with the killer personality (quite literally) in quite awhile.

Here's another yard cat, whom I saw early this morning, except he must be owned, has a collar, has an ear tip, so he's fixed.  I've trapped him by accident twice, when I was trying to recatch Phantom last January, after my cat yard collapsed with the ice storm.   I hadn't seen him in a long time, however.  Where he's sitting, he is taunting my cats, in the cat yard.  He's a large fellow and I don't know where he belongs.


  1. They know a cat loving house.
    We have quite a number of cats who visit us too. They all (we think) come from the same household and are out roaming whatever the time of day or weather. One short haired ginger cat (quite young) two long haired ginger cats and the most recent arrival is a long haired white cat with ginger patches. I am totally unimpressed with the people who 'own' them.

    1. Sounds like some of the people I've encountered (your neighbors).

    2. People often let us all down. ~sigh~ Innocent animals being victimized is infuriating. Be well, my dear.

  2. I suppose cats do like hanging out together, some times at a distance.

    1. Yeah they do like to hang out together. There's quite a lot of cat drama with the four I see most often but sometimes they drop the drama to lay together. Gigi likes Pretty Boy, but they still get mad at each other sometimes. He's fairly laid back. The gray tux is a big huge sweetie without a mean bone.

  3. That looks like the perfect cat perch in the first picture. Another reason you're so popular in the neighborhood feline population.

    1. That's a shed in the corner of the yard of the house behind me, that they're perched atop. Must be leaking cause they've covered it in a tarp now.

  4. They come to visit your cats. Can you talk to those neighbors to find out their real names? Or, at least the names they have at home.

    1. The couple who own the gray tux have told me his name, a long while back, and I've forgotten it. As for the white and black long hair, no one is for sure who owns it. We think its the blue house people, on the next street but I'm not sure. And as for the flamepoint with collar, no one knows who owns him either or if he is unowned at this point. When I caught him in a live trap last January when trying to catch Phantom, I was very shocked, hadn't ever seen him before and realized he was quite skinny. He does not look as skinny now, but I think the neighbor behind me has food out in her garage for him and their cats with a cat door. Same as me but only Gigi comes into my garage now. I have a camera I check routinely. FluffyButt, the neighbors Siamese, used to come in, but he's the one hit on the road in front of his owner house. I don't know what has become of Fritter, the long hair buff tux who hates everyone. I haven't seen him in awhile. My neighbor had begun feeding him, so I'll ask her.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....