Tuesday, November 08, 2022


 It's election day today.  I am so happy about that.

Because it means the election campaign is over!

What do I see of the candidates running for local, state and federal office?  NOTHING.  Except for all the destructive hateful ads that ran and all the election slicks clogging my mailbox. 

An election season means to me only about two things:  the constantly running bickering lying ads on TV and my mailbox stuffed with election junk mail.  

Sure I hope whatever candidates win don't muck up everything even more.  I do vote and choose who I think will do less damage.  I almost always vote no on ballot measures, because they generally come with a price tag but no way to pay that bill.   I almost always vote no on bond measures because I can't afford higher rent.

I don't have the mental capacity for fan mentality.  Just can't muster up the follower mode.  

I believe deep down there's something terribly mentally wrong with people who want so much power and to control the lives of others, by running for office.

After today, I hope they just shut up and do whatever job they got, if they won, without messing up our lives.

In other news, the three girls and two boys from Lacomb were fixed yesterday.  Four of them get to go home this morning.   They include Chris, the little black girl, but her life may not be long, the clinic told me, as her bladder wall is badly thickened from, likely, multiple bladder infections.  She's very young, a half year old.  My goodness, how could that happen.    They gave her a long lasting antibiotic injection.  Then there's Sissy, the tabby girl.  With her they found a bad hernia, on her left side, with part of her uterus protruding through the muscle wall beneath the skin of that side.  They repaired it and she'll stay with me a few days to heal.  How does a hernia happen there, I asked?  Truama injury, the vet said.  

A kick maybe, by horse or human?   The couple had said the drug neighbors come back and forth to the property and of course I immediately think one of them did it to her, but I don't know that. These days I tend to think the worst immediatly of people, from experience I suppose, over the years. There are horses too in the field and she could have been kicked by a horse.  I only hope her life will be better from here on out.   But yes, I'll have a house guest for four more days.  I don't mind.


  1. I didn't vote early, so I'm off to vote in a few minutes. I agree. Let's just hope whoever winds doesn't mess up our lives.

    1. We only have vote by mail here, not in person. LOL, best we can hope for these days, that they don't mess up our lives.

  2. So sad to think what happened to those cats before you saw them. I hope they find better lives after this.

    1. It may be even worse, what went on there for the cats. Neighbors picked up the other four just now, said they were breeding cats in cages there, and think they may have been breeding them for food. They don't know that for sure, just suspect it. They also had a zillion chickens.

  3. I hope that whoever gets in doesn't just 'feather their own nest'. In answer to your question on my blog - you have embedded comments. They allow the opportunity to reply to individual comments. I am using a different browser at the moment (one I don't like). Sigh.

    1. I'm sure they will, or be egomaniacs. I'm still confused on the whole comment thing.

  4. I understand how you expect the worst in people. Grrr... Thank you for taking in Sissy. ~hugs~ You are a light in this dark world.

    1. She's back home now, they picked her up yesterday.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....