Sunday, August 07, 2022

Boring Hot Weekend

 What a very boring hot weekend.  

Temps were near 100 last two days, tomorrow just mid 90's, then cooler.  Well, forecast has been downgraded to upper 80's.

I just did cleaning and a bit of yardwork.   The neighbors who are leaving in under a week are finishing up their packing.

I had a terrible nightmare last night that their house was bought by a local older woman who is a notorious cat hater.   I woke to what I thought was her shooting at them, and them screaming, through my fence that separates the neighbors place from me.  I was breathing fast and my heart was pounding.   Was so relieved to find it was just a dream.

I'm trying to fix the gutter corners that leak.  They've leaked for years.  Why I've got this thing about stopping the leaks this summer, don't know, but its probably a good thing.   Been watching gutter repair videos on youtube, where else.

Haven't seen a soul this weekend I know.   Saturday wasn't that fun because of the car lot neighbors having another party and every place a car could be parked on the block, there was one parked.  One partially blocked my driveway so that when I got home from the grocery store, I drove down to the end, and asked whomever owned it and there was a crowd of people outside their place, to move it.   I waited other side of street in my car, until two sullen people emerged from the group to move it.  Seemed put out they had to do that.   I held my temper.   Later, when in bed, was awakened by one of the big loud stinky trucks idling and roaring off.   I cursed but that's about all I can do. 

Maybe this next week will be more interesting.   I really had to stretch to come up with anything that happened this weekend.  


  1. How inconvenient of you to want access to your driveway. And sigh at the self entitled.
    Thank you for your kind words on my post.

    1. Ha! EC, that made me laugh. I'm so sorry about Jazz.

  2. Anonymous12:52 AM

    At times you just have to give over to the heat and do little.
    Many years ago we used a bitumen like strip to repair a rusted gutter. That worked well. Maybe yours is not rusted.
    Nasty dream, very nasty.
    What is with people who think they have a right to block a driveway. I've seen some YT vids of people take rather good revenge on those who offend.

    1. I've seen some of those videos Andrew I think. I thought my response was rather measured by comparison. I am fixing the easiest access corner first. I can tell on this corner the connector strip, attached outside the gutter, the sealant, gobs of it, has failed and there is none at the back anymore, leaving gaps at the edge of the pieces that come together. Unfortunately the connector piece is quite a mess, bent and bulging. It's currently hanging from the corner after I took out the screws holding it to the corner, so I could clean it. I have a new part coming today from amazon, but waiting to see if it will be the correct fit before I pull off the old piece completely. Yeah, its too hot to do much of anything during the day. I spend a lot of time in my little pool everyday.

  3. I don't understand some people. I understand the urge to just park where it is convenient, but you don't do it if it blocks someone's driveway. Oh, well. There are a lot of things people do that I don't understand.

    1. They may have justified it in their minds because it was only half blocked. Ha! Very narrow driveway to begin with.

  4. What a horrid dream! Are you in the city" If you are, I assume you could have had the car towed, but I'm sure they wouldn't have liked that any better.

    1. Yes, I could have called the police but I wouldn't do that when I knew where the people likely were the car belonged to.

    2. My dreams have been very vivid last few nights. Maybe its the weather.

  5. I think your heat moved our way. Enjoy your cooler temps.

    That sounds like an anxiety dream. Hopefully your new neighbors will be cat lovers :)

    1. I'm sure you're right about it being an anxiety dream. My worries often come out that way.


Back to 7-11

 I already have 3 cats here, waiting for placement from 7-11, with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat program. The two girls--Eleven and Petunia,...