Sunday, July 10, 2022

Women, Marijuana, and Facial Tattoos

 Well, happy to announce we know the cause of mass shootings in the US (according to conservative commentators):  Women, marijuana and facial tattoos.   Before that, once again the blame was being diverted to antidepressant consumption.   Link to article below....

The real cause! Not easy gun access....

We like to dick around the edges of an issue rather than address it directly here in America.  

The article popped up on my feed this morning and I couldn't stop laughing despite the inherent tragedy of it all.   Ain't that America, I said to myself.  

I got a metal gate yesterday for my driveway.  I found a dented one with serious discount as a result.  

I should get it up today.  It's really easy installation.

The neighbors house has been for sale a mere day and a half and they already have several offers.   They'll be gone soon.  I"m sad about that.   I'll miss them.  It's like a break up.  Well, not really, more like a death.  I'll never see them again.

The kittens and Mama Cora are doing very well.  All use the litter box and Mama does all the hard work of caring for them.  However, two of the boys last night were trying to eat both dry and wet food.

I named the buff and white boy Powder and the gray and white boy Wilson.  Wilson gets his name from Tom Hanks ball buddy in Castaway.   I'm pretty isolated these days.    I don't have local friends to do things with, so I do everything alone.  Hence the Castaway feeling.  But I have my Wilson.  For now at least.  With them beginning to eat regular food, won't be long before they'll all head off to Silverton Cat Rescue and Mama Cora will go back to her colony.  Hard to believe they've only been here a few days.   It was last Wednesday Cora was fixed and last Tuesday when I pulled the kittens out of the woodpile.


  1. Of course it is women's fault. And just how many of the shooters have facial tattoos? Sigh. Big, big sigh.
    I am glad that Cora and her family are doing well. Thanks to you. And also a bit sad for you that you will soon have to say goodbye.

    1. LOL, on how many have facial tattoos. The latest one may be the first. Yes, I will miss the neighbors when they leave. They are nice folks, courteous and friendly and just nice, you know. Easy to be around, non judgemental, the best kind.

  2. If my choices are to follow the link and watch a video of idiotic talking heads or watch a video of kittens the second choice wins hands down.

  3. It's not good to be isolated. (I'm isolated too, so I know the feeling.) At least the cats have a chance now. And Cora won't have to deal with another litter.

    1. The kittens are doing very well. Isolation is difficult. I'm sorry you go through it too. Sure know a lot of people in that boat. Most live too far away to hook up with for some card games or anything.

  4. Tucker Carson is jerk.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Kittens always make the day brighter. Thanks for saving so many.


Last Trip to Lake?

 I went to the lake yesterday.  It was supposed to get up to near 80 by late afternoon.  I checked the reservoir level first, to make sure I...