Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Sleepy Sleepy Day at Lake

 I went to the lake yesterday.  I drove to Lebanon then a friend there, the one who can't be on the water due to seasickness, even if on a floatee, hauled the kayak up to the lake in the back of her pickup.  But she likes to sit on a log with her feet in the water and also walk in the water.

Someday maybe I'll meet others who want to go kayaking but so far I haven't.  People are busy.  I went on a couple short paddles while there yesterday but.....   

I was sleepy from the start.   The day before I'd gone back to bed after rising early and doing chores, and slept til 1:00.  Finally I'd caught up on sleep and I was happy.  Not for long.   

The day sleep put me off on my sleep Sunday night.  I couldn't get sleepy til early in the morning.   So....sleepy again all day yesterday.

I hate it when I get off kilter.

But I'd gotten the gate up Sunday and lots of other work done so I can't complain.   The gate looks so nice across the driveway and is for privacy not security.  I will get some privacy screening to attach to it.  I saw some beach mats for almost nothing at the store last night when I went for bread. They might look nice attached to it.   Everything summer is now on discount.

Monday it was to get into the 90's here.  First time really.   Took my sun hat and sunscreen and lawn chair and napped quite a lot on the bit of beach by the boat ramp in my chair.  Woke to someone yelling at someone else at the boat ramp.  Not uncommon.   Boats come with stress, of getting it ready to go, getting to the lake and then finding a parking space and launching the boat.  Motor boats are work.  Stress results and if one little thing doesn't seem right, there can be yelling.

The lake was extremely busy with motor boats, jet skis, paddle boarders, kayaks and people swimming off little bits of open beach or bank.  We stayed about four hours then my friend wanted to leave, worried she would get a ticket parked in a boat with trailer spot, and drove me to where my car was parked and I drove on home.

My car belts have been screeching at start up or weather change ever since the belts were replaced.  I'd gone back to the mechanic shop twice asking them to be tightened up but neither time did they have a rack free and the car has to be racked up to get at the pulley bolts that have to be loosened to tighten the belt.  Leaving the car there creates quite a lot of issues in trying to find rides back and forth, so I've let it go due to the difficulties involved in leaving it.

But I need to get it done because the one belt has lots of play.  And people stare when I stop at a stop sign and when I try to move through, the belts scream.

Oregon is in terrible shape as far as shelter or rescue space for kitten and adult cats.  Everyone is full.  I lucked out with the four in my bathroom with Silverton Cat Rescue pledging to take them once fully weaned.   I could have them another couple of weeks.  They've been here a week now and are four weeks of age.  Anytime I go into the bathroom the four come running excitedly out of the carrier to swarm my feet.  They all have names now.  There's Wilson, the gray and white boy, and Powder, the buff and white boy.  The two gray fluffies are Dory and Rory.  Rory will be a large cat and already has a big boy head.  Dory is really a muted torti, with a little bit of cream and a couple spots of pale orange.

SOS Lost Pet Rescue in Portland had a tragic story this morning on facebook.  She'd been called about a left behind girl cat who was pregnant and let it go, being overwhelmed already, until night before last when she felt an intensity about getting that cat safe. So she went and got her and hours later the cat gave birth at a foster home to seven kittens.  But then last night the mom cat began to decline.  She died on the way to the vet.   They think something happened to her when on her own, maybe hit by a car or some other bodily trauma.  She survived just long enough to have her kittens in the safety of a rescue.  If Julie of SOS hadn't gotten her when she did, all the kittens would have died also. The kittens are now in the care of an experienced bottle babe foster, which, let me tell you from experience, is not an easy thing to take on.  We have a terrible problem in Oregon with people who just leave their pets when they move.   Those sorts of people also usually don't fix their pets.


  1. I am so glad that SOS Lost Pet Rescue stepped in. And admire that mother cat.
    I am also very glad that you had a sleepy day by the lake. It sounds as if you needed it.

    1. The horrors the mother cats go through. They are especially prone to the twisted mentalities that decide "ah, she's pregnant again" and go dump her way out somewhere, to survive or die on her own, while pregnant. Those kind of people make my blood boil.

  2. When I go outside to sit on the porch in warm weather, I get very sleepy, too. I go out to read, but I don't always get much done. The gate looks good and summer mats would make it look even better. You are always to resourceful.

    1. I do like to nap in the sun too.

  3. Glad you got to get some lake time. My car is currently in the shop. I leave it as they've been so busy. It's just routine maintenance, but they should have been done with it by now. Sigh.

    I do not understand pet owners who would willingly leave their pets. Just leave them? Why wouldn't you move them with you? I guess they're in not a good spot, but why wouldn't you look for someone to take the pet? Yikes.

    1. I knew someone who took her car in, had an appointment, two months later, it was still there, untouched. She'd not been called or anything, although she'd tried to call. Yeah its a pain and trying to arrange rides to get back and forth isn't easy.

  4. Anonymous3:45 PM

    There is probably a long list of what people who leave pets behind haven't done when they should have and do when they should not have.

    1. Darn right, Andrew. It's a lifestyle.

  5. I wish we could go kayaking together. It's something I've never done. :) All these travails make me sad, so special thanks for all your efforts to overcome and I hope your nice looking gate works out well.

    1. I bet you would love it, Darla. I wish you and I were not so far apart in miles.

  6. I hope to spend a little more time outside once I retire. I hear lot of shelter is full. Lot of people is hurting in pocket books.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


Last Trip to Lake?

 I went to the lake yesterday.  It was supposed to get up to near 80 by late afternoon.  I checked the reservoir level first, to make sure I...