Monday, May 16, 2022

Last Appointments

 Today was my last day of appointments.   I'm very excited.

Yesterday, the temps climbed to almost 70, but it felt like a blistering 85 to 90, as deprived as we have been here of sun.

Granted, the day began with clouds and even sprinkles but the afternoon was very nice.

Today, more clouds and I think rain is forecast for next five days.  I'm not sure, haven't watched the weather in a couple days.

The latest mass shooting was a tragic horror, with some twisted young white guy deliberately targeting a supermarket where there would be blacks shopping.   In his manifesto, he wrote he was radicalized during the covid closures by online rooms like 4chan and felt he had to stop blacks from reproducing and "replacing" whites.   Man alive, that is one young man who should never see the light of day outside a prison again.  Pity he didn't shoot himself and be done with it.  

Saturday evening here, a two car head on wreck killed a California couple.   They were hit by a local man, high on something or drunk, news just said "impaired".  He had his four year old daughter with him, who is now fighting for her life.   He's the only one who came out of it with non life threatening injuries.  Isn't that the way it happens so often.   This was near Sweet Home.  I hope he spends lots and lots of years in prison for driving like that, killing that couple, injuring his own little baby daughter.  Its scary.  He could have hit any one of us on that highway.

I had five appointments today and gave them all over to the vet student for the cats living around her and neighbors trailers.  She'd borrowed my drop trap, since most of the cats now are fixed there.   And she did, came through with five, three girls and two boys.  She caught the last adult unfixed females, too, which is TERRIFIC!   

I got a last minute appointment offered again, very late, and the Albany house with all the cats finally caught one just after 11:00 p.m.  I didn't get to bed til midnight as a result but she's getting fixed today.

Mousey, a torbi female from Albany

Here are the Harrisburg five:

Aria, a girl

Hudson, a boy 

Cooper, a boy

Holly, a girl

Sarah, a girl


  1. Happy holidays.
    Your shootings have made news here. Again.

  2. I don't know what happens in peoples' minds that lets them just fire on strangers with the intent to kill.
    And other's while driving impaired think they can handle things when they can't. I think the laws need to be stronger for those situations.

    1. Well, I doubt that 18 year old monster back east will ever see time OUT of jail in his life again, if they don't have the death penalty there in New York. As for the local impaired driver, I don't know what his stint in jail will be. A drunk who killed two kids and terribly injured another a couple years back near here, got 12 years I think.

  3. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Rest and recuperate now for you.

    1. How about have some fun, cause that's what i intend!

  4. I'm focusing on the fact this vet tech, you, and others do so much good ~hugs~

    1. She's not a vet tech, she's a vet student, at the vet college in Corvallis. Second year.

  5. Consider it all a job well done. Congrats. And take your well-deserved break.

    I just can't with the shootings anymore. I just can't.

    1. The shootings are really horrible. Last night they showed a lady outside that supermarket rolling on the ground in just sheer mental agony, over her husband and child being in the store. Thankfully later they were reunited and ok. But the anguish in her, it just tore my soul. I wanted to hug her somehow from here.


Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.