Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Spring Schizophrenia

 Spring is Schizoid.  Or on drugs.  

Spring brings you up and takes you down.

One moment, the sun is shining and the next, a thunderstorm is blasting down rain and hail.

One hour its 55 and sunny, the next, its 42 and the temp is falling and I'm searchiing for that coat that I must have somewhere in my car.

I'm bleeding inside for sunny warm weather.  I'm aching for the sun to shine warm on my little world.

I braved the world today, only the 2nd time I've driven since the back pain event and subsequent weeks.  I took two traps to a woman who wants to catch two males just beyond Lebanon.  I showed her how to set them and bait them, the whole thing.  Catching them is up to her.

I went to the park then, because I'm a busy body and wanted to see if anything was going on there.  Nothing was.  Only one pair of Canada Geese grazed the already too short camp area lawn, then began cackling to one another and suddenly flew off in beautiful choreographed tandem.  How do they do that.

The river is low.  Maybe the corp is holding back water now to fill the reservoirs.

The lowest parts of the boat ramp are exposed by the low water

Merganser pairs dotted the river and males fought

A wind blew up, and it was a cold wind.   I took a few photos and moved on, in my car, back towards town.  I decided to stop in at the Junk Shop Colony, for lack of anything else to do.  There were three cats left unfixed when I had to quit there in November, due to a variety of reasons--my injured knee being chief among them.  

I saw two of those cats today when I was there, plus some of the fixed ones.  I hope to catch the unfixed gray tux female soon and also the buff male, who, said the old man living in the camp trailer, "has the shits".  He's probably got giardia, like so many of them had.

Unfixed gray tux female

Unfixed buff boy

The one rescue who took in black male Joe, from this colony, found him a home at last.  Joe had become very ill, so ill he climbed into my car when I was trapping there and tried to warm up by cuddling close.  So I took him to Keitha's Kitties and they got him well.  Same with Chowder, who was not quite as lucky in the manner he came into my hands.  

One of the guys there had stuffed two cats into a couple of carriers, but  the carriers had standing water in them, and these poor cats were shivering and wet, when I arrived to trap.  One of them was Chowder.   He was too sick to take to be fixed and so sweet I asked Keitha's Kitties if they could take him also and they did.  He just got a home too.  And lastly it was the little calico, whom I took clear to Portland to be fixed.  She was ill though too, giardia, and I wanted more for her.  She stayed in my bathroom a few days until they could also take her.  She got well and also got a home.  

I saw some familiar faces out there, cats I took to be fixed.

I'm home again now and need to lay flat for awhile.  I did a lot of cleaning this morning.  I don't want to inflame that nerve again.  I'm still being as careful as is possible for me.  I get impatient and like to pretend all is well and get back to normal, forgetting things aren't all well, and then I pay.


  1. It's heck getting old, isn't it? My brain thinks I'm still in my 30s and tells me to work accordingly, but my body rebels.

    1. It's no fun. Today, seems like not only were the male ducks fighting, but the calls I got were people wanting to complain loudly about everything, something I don't enjoy hearing. And its pouring.

  2. So glad some kitty got a home.
    Coffee is on and stay soon

  3. I hope you can lay flat. I worried as I read through that you might be doing too much. Again.
    As always, thank you for all that you have done - often at huge cost to yourself.

  4. Spring is a tease, isn't it. Warm weather one day and snow the next. But I am enjoying the overall warming trend.

  5. Oh, do take care of yourself. I keep meaning to clean the floors but the excuse of upsetting kitties has been my excuse for days. ;) Thank you so much for your tremendous work. I'm so glad when cats get loving homes. Be well, my dear. And may spring warm you heart, body, and soul.


Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.