Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Where Are Our Leaders?

Our country seems to be falling apart.  If you watch the news.

Riots and looting going on in the cities.  People still dying of the virus. While other places, like where I live, life goes on as normal.  If I didn't watch the news, and I probably shouldn't, I would know nothing of cities burning and of this....

"Trump deepened outrage on Monday by posing at a church clutching a bible after law enforcement officers used teargas and rubber bullets to clear the way for him to walk there after he made his remarks in the White House Rose Garden."

Surreal scenes. Like out of some bizarre tragic apocalyptic movie. Only we are living in this movie.

I'm not hearing our President on the news calming the country. I hear him on the news insulting state governors and threatening to call out the military on the people.

So that's why I ask "Where are our leaders?"

The violence is the work of the usual suspects, I suppose, those who drop everything when they hear of a chance to cause mayhem and maybe not get caught, hiding in numbers and darkness, smoke, flames and broken glass.

Or is it people fed up with everything, their lives, themselves, their housing situation, their jobs or lack of jobs, income disparity, racism, lack of hope of ever improving their predicament? I really don't know. Both these causative scenarios are being debated on the news and I have no idea which one is true or if both are partly true. The news has been, for some time now, a one upmanship on panic reporting, the more extreme the story is or can be made out to be, the better. We rarely get thoughtful insightful just-the-facts in depth reporting anymore. That doesn't pay the bills.

So little folk like me just hope for the best, that our country will survive, and keep on with life. No rioting here, in my little town. Not yet. South of us, north of us, there it is happening. But not here. And that's a big huge relief to me.

I know there are inequities. I know that man shouldn't have died like that, at the hands of police. I can't watch that video. What is his mother going through, I think. I know that man jogging should not have been chased down and then killed by two gun toting white men either. I don't know how to stop that kind of thing any more than I know how to stop men from killing women for no reason or a parent from hurting their own child. There are lots of things I can't figure out solutions to stop.

I'm unnerved and nervous and hopeful too. Optimistic without reason. That's me.

In the meantime, the people from Sweet Home called that they'd found another kitten out on their mom's property, where the 12 others came from. I drove up there and picked her up and she was a mess--filthy, skinny, eyes gunked shut, poop all over her, and desperately hungry. I fed her wet food and KMR and brought her home and gave her a bath and blow dried the little thing, and got her snuggled in on a fuzzy blankee and heat pad. She was so tired.

That's all I can do for this world. So that's what I do. It's probably not enough but it's something.


  1. I read the headlines of the newspaper today (which told me everything I needed to know about what's going on in the world) but made the conscious decision not to go deeper into the stories. As you said, they're just sensationalist.

    I can't affect global changes, but I can do the next right thing each day.

  2. What you do is positive.
    Which is a more than can be said for the leader of your country. A lot more.
    Arranging for citizens to be tear-gassed for a photo op is a new low it seems to me. I suspect he doesn't know what to do either, but his priorities are very different. Keep doing what you do. Keep improving lives.
    And hope.

    1. It's eye popping, for a President to have peaceful protesters tear gassed, so they'll move out of his way, to get a photo holding a Bible, its just beyond comprehensible.

  3. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Nicely written. So many of your citizens must be wringing their hands in despair. You are quite right about the lack of leadership.

  4. I live in Trump country...I am NOT FAN...He get me so up set.

  5. Please don't despair, and know that main (lame) stream media has an agenda. I suggest YouTube commentator Tim Pool. He's a very levelheaded liberal my husband listens to for hours every day (!), thereby sparing me from the brunt of today's crazy news. Mr. Pool's prolific videos can run long and be a bit depressing at times. But if you're curious, the following twenty minute one is eye opening.


    What an amazing difference your altruistic intervention makes in these precious lives! ~hugs~ To see the 'after' images of this little doll warms my heart. Be well, my dear.


Back to 7-11

 I already have 3 cats here, waiting for placement from 7-11, with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat program. The two girls--Eleven and Petunia,...