Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Spring in the Time of Corona

Spring is here.  It's been here almost a month now.

Finally with sun the last week some of my usual yard flowers are blooming.

I mowed the lawn again yesterday,. which caused me to wake twice with knee pain last night.   This time its been my left knee.  Ever since the car broke down and I was suddenly walking miles daily.  Should have worked into that a little slower maybe.

Pulling and pushing the mower seems to be the worst on it and only at night does it hurt.

The flowers are beautiful.

I am tearing down the garage cat cage room.  I built this six by six by six room over 7 years ago, when I needed to temporarily house a bunch of cats from a huge colony.  Instead of taking it down afterwards, I connected it to the main garage cat runs.  But its scarcely ever used by the cats and its light use does not warrant the space lost.  I was going to tear it out last summer but then got too busy.   But now I don't have that excuse. 

It will be an ongoing project because it requires garbage space for boards that cannot be re-used.  Most of the boards and materials I used to build it in the first place were old and scrounged.  I am saving screws that are not bent, broken or stripped along with other hardware and any decent boards, to use in other projects.

So far, I've taken off some of the wire, used as sides, which were once parts of metal kennels, and the connection from the cat runs, which I then patched, so the cats can't exit the runs.

I can't wait to get it taken down because of the space it will grant me.   I stored a few of my things on top of it, like my camping box and my Christmas box but that's about it, so its not a problem to store those two totes elsewhere.

Today I'll take a walk and try to get more flower photos.  I planted some flower seeds but I think they were too old to sprout or sat too many years in a hot garage.


  1. Oh, bleeding hearts are so cool. Mine died off several years ago but I should get more. Lovely flowers, all, and I'm wondering if you're planning to garden in the newly reclaimed space. Take care of those knees. ~hugs~ And be well, my dear.

    1. I do love the Bleeding Hearts so much, Darla, and so do the Hummingbirds.

  2. Beautiful flowers

  3. Love your flowers.
    I am glad that you are working on a project which is to YOUR benefit, which is a very nice change of focus.
    Take it easy though - and continue those flower walks.

    1. I do so love the flowers, EC. It's a big project, yes, but it will be a slow one too.

  4. I love bleeding hearts and we had some very hearty ones at our old house. None here, however. Maybe that's the next thing I'll add.

    How are you going to dispose of your old lumber? Can you put it in the trash? We're not supposed to do that here or put it in with yard waste. It can be a problem.

    1. We can put it in the trash, but as you can imagine, with a small trash can, I have to cut it up in small pieces. But I've done that before. I am hoping most I will be able to use again. I took a piece off today and used it for something else, in fact.

  5. Quis identificar as flores que apresenta em fotografia, mas não consegui identificar a primeira. Sei que a 2ª é uma tulipa e a 3ª representa as violetas. Como se chama a 1ª? Acho-a muito bonita. Quer dar uma ajuda?
    Um grande abraço
    Juvenal Nunes

  6. Anonymous6:37 PM

    A big project but I guess not as big as building it in the first place. You don't have enough cats and must add some fake ones too, haha.

    1. Yes, I need the fake ones too.


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