Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sloucher on the Couch

I don't have a couch.  If I did, I'd probably be laid out upon it all day.

Sloucher!  Slacker!

There's no spay neuter clinics open yet so what in the world do I do to fill my time?

One lady said to me, "Welcome to retirement!"

Good reason not to retire.  Ever!

Actually I have no problem filling my time.  I have the ever present never ending chores.  When you have cats, you spend a lot of time cleaning.   And I do that, every day, the usual four hours of chores.  That hasn't changed one bit.

The rest of my time is split between nice walks and projects.  Oh, and slouching around.

The sloucher life.  I could come to like a bit of that.

I got unreasonably excited when the governor announced clinics and dental clinics and hospitals could do non emergency procedures starting tomorrow.  Hallelujah!  That had to include spay neuter clinics!  Why  wouldn't it? 

Sadly, it did not.  For what reason, I do not know.

I'd sent an enthusiastic email to the Salem spay neuter clinic about it, before I knew it did not include spay neuter clinics.  They replied stating the reality--sadly doesn't include spay neuter clinics, sorry.   I replied "Well, back to the couch."   Ha!

So I went for another walk in the park, saw a little Canada Goose family across the river.  It's the only  family I've seen which is unusual.  There are usually half a dozen family units by now across the river.  Then there's the lone goose too.  Lone geese are sad to see.  They mate for life.  I assume he or she lost a mate.

I walked both park trails.  They're not long, even combined but its the best we can do around here, without driving a long distance.  Most other trails are in areas that are closed currently anyhow.

And then there was this reminder of what is going on out there, the pandemic, and that the pandemic isn't making litter bugs change their ways.


  1. I'm afraid I'm getting used to not doing much of anything either.

    1. Yeah I sure know that feeling now. I'm not even dressed yet today and it's nearly evening. Why go out, I thought to myself this morning, because I could think of no reason to leave the house or even to get dressed.

  2. Loved walking with you.
    Retirement? After my father retired he said that he didn't know how he had ever found time to go to work. I sneered at the time - but he was right. His passions filled his days, just as yours do.
    I so hope the spay/neuter clinics can open again soon. For you and for the myriad of cats for whom the pandemic means nothing.

    1. I also hope they open soon. The thing I don't miss much is the negatives of the cat fixing, the people who you give your time and effort away to, who never think its enough, that kind of thing. There are much younger people out there who could take it over if they would and I hope they do. I am enjoying just the walks in parks a lot, just wish there was more than the one. We have a beautiful area but are quite short of parks with trails that are anywhere near the town.

  3. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Some great macro work with your camera. It was thought our black swans partnered and mated for life until DNA tests started to be done. It turned out they indulge in very human behaviour.

    1. I always wondered how they determine they mate for life. To me, most of them look alike and I know how that sounds. I use my phone camera for close ups. If I clean the lens, sure works better.

  4. That last picture speaks volumes.

  5. I also been enjoy watch the geese next. I have plan to retire in five years.
    Coffee is on

    1. I hope you can retire in five years and that you enjoy it. I am beginning to hedge back and forth on whether I want to work again like I did before it all came tumbling down. My life is so quiet now, like a whisper of what it was a few weeks back.

  6. I wish so much that we could scoop you up and bring you here. Ohio is doing so much better. I'm crying now for you and all your efforts that seem so lost. Take care of yourself, please.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....