Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Six Fixed Yesterday

I only filled six of my seven reservations yesterday.

Five boys got fixed and one girl.

The five boys included huge male Parker from the park.

Parker was fixed yesterday
And BB from Sweet Home.   He's the fifth cat fixed from the small colony there, and the last needing done.

He has one blue eye and one yellow eye.
Lion was fixed from the Lebanon colony and he's the last cat needing fixed there.
Buddy from Albany was fixed yesterday too.
So was Albany girl MommaK.
And lastly a young boy, born in a chicken coop, Anakin, was fixed yesterday.  His sister was fixed last week.

Anakin, from Corvallis area, was fixed yesterday.
I still need to return three of the boys.  I hurt my knee yesterday mowing the lawn.  Really, I did something to it back when my car was broken down.  Maybe it was all the sudden walking.  Or the stress.  Hurt mainly at night.  Same as in the night last night, after mowing the lawn, only the pain was quite severe.  Hope I can get the boy returned early and then do the whole rest, ice, compression elevation thing the rest of the day for it.  Its not the same knee I hurt over two years ago, when the other car broke down.


  1. Anonymous4:39 AM

    More good works done. I hope you enjoy your rest.

    1. Thanks Andrew and welcome home from Tasmania!

  2. I'm sorry for your injury. ~hugs~ You always seem to have stinky luck. I wish you all the best, my dear.

    1. Well i think I have pretty good luck for mid sixties. So far that is. I never actually expected to live this long and to still be doing heavy duty trapping, that's not so bad.

    2. I thought you were in your fifties. ~hugs~ You're such an inspiration. Be well!

    3. I wish, Darla!

  3. How wonderful to get the last one fixed from not one but two colonies. Well done you.
    Now rest. I do hope your knee responds quickly.

    1. Yes, I am super excited over getting two colonies done! I'm resting up like the entire country is now, mandatory vacation for all!

  4. Done with two colonies, wow! That must feel great!
    Sorry about the "other" knee. I bet the problem is related to the increased walking. It has happened to me before. But you have a smart plan and I bet it will be better soon.

    1. Yes, the increased walking. From probably under 3 miles a day walking to suddenly making 3 mile trips twice a day and more.

  5. Less likelihood of unwanted kittens. Good job.



Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...