Monday, March 30, 2020

Gray Day, Grim News

I woke early to the noisy pounding of heavy rain on the roof. 

This was the usual Oregon type hard rain, triggered by a front moving in off the coast that is also cold and brings with it winds.  The type of weather that makes a person groan and crawl back into bed and pull the covers up tight and be glad you can do that now, with nowhere to go anyway.

When I got up for good, finally, the news says another Veteran over at the Lebanon home died.  Five staff at least also are infected, although the Veterans Home itself won't say how many.   They're probably too busy for much of anything these days, but trying to mitigate the crises there.  The numbers of infected in this county continue to climb, but are still under 50. I think statewide we may be closing in on a thousand infected, 14 deaths, not sure, haven't checked the numbers today and may not.  I don't know anyone infected but I see accounts on social media of people who can't get tested despite being ill.  You still have to be near death to be tested I guess. 

I don't really know what is going on out there in the world of people.  I stay home, except to go to the store once a week, and feed the boys.

Today I made stew of some carrots that I can't let go bad, some onions, the remains of half a tomato, and a few broccoli florets.   Now I can freeze it for later and not waste a bit of vegetable.  I've gotten that way lately.   The soil isn't warm enough to plant vegetables in a garden box here.  There's mustard spinach growing though, that got away from me, and I can eat that for salad.   Now I'm happy it went wild and that I did nothing about that.

I'm going to pick some dandelion blossoms later.  No, not to make wine with this time, although I have done that before, but to eat.  I've always wanted to try them.  Now's a good time for that! 

I don't spray but all the neighbors spray the heck out of their yards so you couldn't eat a darn thing out of any of theirs.  What good is an unnatural looking neon green picture perfect lawn now, I might ask.

I already eat dandelion greens in my salads.  I found out they are much better if young.  They get bitter and tough the older they get, just like us people.  Haha.

Ok my cats are still funny as all get out.   Here's Jack jitterbugging to my one laser pointer that still has working batteries.


  1. Watching cats and/or birds never gets old does it.
    Stay safe, stay well.

    1. So true. ~grin~ And that goes for pet tropical fish, too, saving graces for me during this weird time. Jack is adorable. I wish you all the best.

    2. My sister in law gets a lot of joy from her Beta. I wish I could remember his name.

  2. Aww look how quick he is! He’s beautiful.

    1. Quick as a flash, fast as lightning, but not that bright. Jack is not known for his brain cell use.

  3. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Good to have the cats to occupy and amuse you.

    1. Yes it is, never a dull moment, have to break up tiffs, clean up hairballs, kill their fleas, scoop their poop. Glad to have them. I guess. Lol.


Ten Cats Fixed Yesterday in Portland

 The FCCO clinic yesterday was a training clinic.  The FCCO, in conjunction with United Spay Alliance, is training vets who are interested i...