Monday, January 27, 2020


I am generally good at keeping things up for safety especially.

And yet I let go the rear brake change needed on my car until the weekend.

I knew it was needed because they screeched when I back out and down the driveway.  But Friday I heard terrible scraping noises too, when I braked.  That was the end of that and I made an appointment and was able to go in the next day.

The rear brakes on my car are drum brakes.  Those incredible multi part wonders.  That's how I see drum brakes because I've changed them before, on another car, without knowing what I was getting into.  I was over confident I will say, after changing front disk brakes, which are quite easy to change.

What a nightmare that entailed.  Holding all these parts together while hooking another part up.  One needs more than two hands and special tools.  I vowed I would never change drum brakes again alone.  Better yet, never!

I was quoted two prices.  The lower price was if I didn't need the drums replaced and the higher one included new drums.  I knew I'd need new drums so I knew it'd be the higher price.

What I didn't count on was the technician coming out to me in the waiting room to say they could not remove my rear tires legally to change the brakes.  This was because they could not legally put them back on.  One had steel belts showing from wear.

I swear my face turned red with shame.  I know I felt shame, letting tires get that worn, not even checking them.  I changed the front tires when I had a sidewall flat some time ago, but had forgotten all about checking the rear tires for wear.  I asked to see the tire in question and sure enough, on the outer edge of one rear tire and perhaps this came from curb rubs, I could see steel.

Anyhow, unexpected as this expense was, I shelled out for two tires. 

Now I'm up to par, good to go, at least in that regard.  Good tires on the back and brakes all around good, front and back.  My my, that car, in the 2 1/2 years of ownership, has cost me!  But it still runs so I'm happy.

I finally returned the three young cats from the Marks Ridge colony yesterday.  I'd held them in my bathroom since I trapped them just over a week ago.  They were fixed last Sunday at the FCCO but had terrible colds.   They seemed much much better by now.  I'll miss joking around with the old man and talking to the woman--the caretakers of the cats, along with birds, deer, just about anything.  I like them.

I needed one more cat also to fill out my seven spots for today.   The Sweet Home cat wrangler pair had gone out to Cascadia, where they got five last week.  They only got three there this time and were not happy with the people who own the cats for not helping get them contained.  "Welcome to my life," I told the woman.

I had them down for five cats.  They found another in Sweet Home somewhere and then when I went to pick the four up the woman's neighbor ran over with a cat he needed fixed, so that was five in the end.  I had a kitten I trapped in Sweet Home Friday night and another male too from Sweet Home, already.

In the meantime I tried to trap again at the Ridgeway colony down the hill from the old couple on Marks Ridge but they were not home and the woman has no working phone.  They pulled up though in their car but family was coming over for a get together so there would be no trapping there.   13 have already been fixed from this place but there are five more needing caught and fixed.  I wanted to get started on those.  Was not to be.  They said that a couple of the cats are tame enough they might catch them and put them in a dog kennel.  I handed her one of small carriers and said to first put it in the dog kennel, so the cat could then hide in that and she could merely close the door to contain her.  Will they do that?  I don't know and if they do, how will they contact me to have me come get one?  She then assured me her boyfriends phone works.

I went across the street then, to the man's place who has six needing fixed and finally got him on the phone.  I told him I was outside his place and could get at least one done.  He apologized and said he'd just been released from the hospital with pneumonia and was not well enough to deal with anything yet.  I said goodbye and that's when I drove over to collect the others and found out I had enough cats anyway for the reservations I have today.


  1. Brakes and tires with tread. Both very important for safety. I'm glad you got them fixed.

  2. I am glad you got the brakes and tires fixed.
    And hope you can see a bit more of that old couple.

    1. They said I could stop by for coffee anytime I'm up that way.

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I've changed both disc and drum brakes and I don't remember it being so hard. For drum brakes you did need a special tool though to lever a spring apart. Was machining the drums not an option? That is a layer of steel is taken off the interior to make them smooth. Maybe now it is cheaper to just replace them. My father always drove his tyers until metal braiding was showing.

    1. The special tool for the spring might have been what I lacked. I still lived in Corvallis then, and the auto parts store was over two miles walk. I think I finally walked it, to go get that tool. The other shop that did the front brakes would not even just grind the rotors, claimed they had to be replaced, same with this shop, on the drums. I never know if its a ploy to get more money or if they're that badly damaged. Its tough for me to trust any mechanic now.

    2. I used to have a good hydraulic jack and good jack stands too, but when I had to move out of the Corvallis shack, my brother tossed my good jack and stands into the trash. Now I just have the flimsy door jack. I keep watching the thrift stores and garage sales for a hydraulic jack. Sure makes it easier to do anything. I don't know why he took my good jack. He also refused to bring my shed over, a really nice garden shed. It was mine not the landlords. I think he had only a few hours of time to help me move on only one day and just dumped anything he didn't want to move or think I needed. I lost a lot of my things in that move.

  4. Anonymous1:53 PM

    You can only grind them a couple of times and then the metal becomes too thin. Maybe they had been done a couple of times already before you bought the car. Cars and jacks, do be careful. The temptation to get under a car just for a second to check something is great. Same brother who is paying for your crown?


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....