Sunday, September 01, 2019


Just thinking about all the cats that need fixed, without appointments for over a week and not nearly enough to get even a quarter of those on my list done, has me in stress.  I wish it wasn't so.

It's ridiculous that it is so tough to get enough appointments to get a handle on the overpopulation problem in one small Oregon county.

It's because the short sightedness of people and lack of common sense never seem to improve.  Common sense and personal responsibility would make a person fix a cat, not wait til there are 30 plus cats to see the problem they have created.  Ah well, the broken record, me.

I got the one structure, the latest, for the cat yard, almost done.  The one that replaces the old cat structure I had to tear out due to age and rot.   Speaking of age and rot, I think I am rotting with age, too.  I need some recreation, seriously.  I've not really had any for a very very long time.

Litter bucket turned into cat hideaway

Two story cat house


  1. How I wish common sense WAS common. It is rarer than hen's teeth.

    1. Wouldn't you hope? Hen's teeth, that's funny.

  2. Nice cat houses you built. I have a carrier like the one in the picture. We joke that it's the last thing they want to get into at home and the first thing they want to get into at the vet's office.

    1. Those are actually plastic dog houses from Chewy. They're even cheaper than a carrier. Not that well made, as the tabs on the top, supposed to hold it to the bottom, don't match up or actually snap onto the bottom. But oh well, works for this use.

  3. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Animal, and people really, population growth is rather simple arithmetic. It's amazing that some people don't get it.

    You didn't know the hen's teeth saying?

    1. It amazing people can be so stupid and so uncaring.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....