Friday, August 30, 2019

Poor Little Kitten

A woman texted yesterday morning.  She said she had an emergency with some kittens.

I texted back and then talked to her on the phone.

I know her from when I got cats fixed where she lived, with her boyfriend, in a camp trailer beside a run down duplex between Lebanon and Sweet Home.  I got three tamish cats fixed, a wild mom cat, took her one kitten, with a bulging eye, to Meow Village, then we dug seven or so kittens out of berry vines and I took them, with their tame mom, to Animal Rescue and Care Fund.

Anyhow, the duplex owner, who lived on one side, had a stroke and died, and the duplex got bulldozed and she and her boyfriend and the three cats moved to Albany.

Her boyfriend works at a seed warehouse down south of Corvallis.  I trapped there years ago.  Juno, one of the cats here, is from there.  He was harvesting a mint field and found kittens.  He thought he'd run over them with the tractor and maybe that's what happened.  Two were dead.  Another was injured and a fourth was ok.

They needed help for the injured kitten, who was missing half a rear foot.

I met them at the ER clinic where he was examined, his wound cleaned and bandaged and given pain meds and antibiotics to take home.  He may later have to have that leg removed.  But he's only three to four weeks old now.

The couple are going to keep the pair.  I offered to take them but they want them, and I was happy to hear that.  All Happy Cat Club, my nonprofit, did was pay the bill.

I hope they'll both be ok.  They are too young to eat on their own still.

This is his injury, half a rear foot just gone.

Both boys, nestled in a box 
Sweet little boy, leg now bandaged

They're the sweetest little pair.  I hope they make it and thrive.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....