Tuesday, August 13, 2019


There are some colonies that would be completely fixed long ago if the people involved (feeding the cats) made an effort of any sort to catch them to be fixed.

Such is one of the Lebanon colonies.   The colony caretaker messages me that one of the unfixed cats is VERY pregnant.


And she waits til its about to pop kittens before doing a darn thing about it.

Turns out the cat had kittens already once this summer but she doesn't know where the kittens ended up, or if any survived.

I spent a lot of time, earlier this year, trying to catch the other cats she fed, without much help from her or her sister and I finally gave up after getting ten or so fixed and two out of there.  You'd think they'd have learned and gotten the black teen fixed themselves, worked at it, not waited til more kittens are about to be born.

I'm supposed to be on break, hasn't been much of one really, first with the Knox Butte mom and kittens, more Waterloo females in trouble, etc etc etc.   But a pregnant in this location, very bad.  I set traps but all I caught was a big unfixed Siamese male.


Carlos last February, when I spotted him when trapping other cats.  This was the only time I saw him til he showed up in the trap set for the black female.

 Carlos is getting neutered today at a local vet under a voucher since I had no reservations at the Salem clinic.

If this lady's behavior isn't enough, a post about over 400 cats bred by feeding, outside Eugene has been going around.  The women involved, elderly, refused spay neuter help for the cats two years ago and now there are allegedly 400 and they don't want any of them.  It's super sick behavior and the law needs changed.  Spay and neuter by four months or pay fines.  Better that than these folks who don't have the common sense to fix the first cat that comes along let hundreds be born.  You can't fix stupid but you can fix cats.

At least Old Blue Eyes, Carlos, will get fixed today.  That's good.  I can't do anything about 400 cats outside Eugene.  Wish I could though.   If there is somewhere for them to go, I'll trap them all.  You know it.


  1. At least Carlos won't be adding to the cat population any more. From my experience, people who are irresponsible with animals usually have so many of their own problems the animals never even enter their brain. However, if they got fined, maybe they would.

    1. I don't know, L and L, but you are probably right. The poor black female I was after had kittens a couple months ago too. The woman who feeds claimed they didn't survive. And yet today, went down an alley a couple hundred feet from her place and found a man who said he saw two kittens with her last night, in fact. So pregnant again, if she hasn't already had them, with two kittens from last litter. Kind of difficult to absorb.

  2. Hiss and spit. I suspect (strongly) that they won't be any more help to you this time round either.
    Hooray for finally catching Carlos though.

    1. No, they have not been and we're not wasting further time there, pulled traps today, have another possible place to try for her.

  3. Carlos has the most BEAUTIFUL eyes! Glad to hear that he is getting fixed. Boo for the people who don't do the responsible thing.

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Four hundred cats! If nothing else local authorities should do something.

    1. Yeah, if there are really that many, very bad reflection on local animal control in Lane County. Sounds like an estimate to me. Too many to even think about. The photos are pretty awful, bunches of cats in yard of a dilapidated blue tarp roof house. Quite sad all around.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....