Saturday, July 13, 2019

So Long Kittens

I had so much fun with Pebbles and Beanie and little Kai, from the Knox Butte road ditch.  I'd given Kona, Kai's mom, back three of her kittens, Keanu, Leilei and Kalani, after she became depressed and angry after her spay.  Yesterday, I laced wet food with catnip and gave it to her, so she would be a little drugged when I took them out of the cage and away and maybe it wouldn't make her as sad, I reasoned.  I put them in the bathroom for a few hours, until loading them all up to head off to Heartland Humane in Corvallis.

I can't keep them all and when Heartland said they would take them yesterday, I took them all over.  It was an opportunity, for me, and for them to get homes and be fostered by other people so they'd become great kittens people will want to adopt.  And I sure hope good people adopt them.  There are lots of not good people who adopt kitties, that is for sure.

I hope they will be ok there, thrive in their foster care, get fixed then into homes.

On the way home, I broke down in tears.

Kona, the ditch kittens' mom, is still here, in the garage, sad from her kittens being gone too.  We shared them and loved them.  She's leaving to a barn home Tuesday. I hope she does ok out there.  The place has a dozen other fixed cats half of them tame.  If she wants friends, she'll have them.

Our weather remains cloudy but it was warm cloudy yesterday and humid.  It's cloudy this morning too but I think its supposed to possibly burn off.   We won't have rain again until Wednesday I heard too.

Late Thursday I decided I needed to do something, cloudy or not, and headed off to the lake with my raft.   I had an enjoyable time rowing around the lake, swimming while I pulled my raft and even jumped off a rock into the water.  There were not very many people out on the lake, probably because it was cloudy.

I met a nice man from Cascadia, who actually built that fence that is made to look like a old west town.  He helped me carry my raft from the parking lot to the lake since I didn't take my two wheeled cart, it having a flat tire.  I've taken pictures of that fake old west town front before.  He said they moved to Cascadia twenty some years ago and never left.  I said its a long way out there and he said well, as we age, friends stop coming by, for one reason or another or die off and its just as well to be way out there.  I agreed with him.

My parking brake doesn't work all the time so I don't back the car with the raft down the ramp now to put in, for fear my car will end up in the drink.  I once had some slanted blocks for the wheels but I don't know what happened to them.

It was very nice to be out on the water and in it and I hope to go back up very soon.  Maybe the cloudy summer will play to my advantage if not that many people go out when its cloudy.

At the one big day use area, the water polo folks were there having their annual tournament.  They rent it I guess from the county for that and the county even lets them camp there, which usually is not allowed.   They were whooping and hollering playing their water games, lots of them.   Water polo I thought.  Who plays that?  Is that a rich person's pursuit or am I clueless.  Never heard of people playing water polo.  Farther on a lone man stood painfully upright on a paddle board.  He made good time and the lake was smooth, no wind, so that probably made it easier.  A few kids leaned over the railing on the second arm bridge, looking down, until the sheriff's boat came around the corner, then they slipped out of sight down a trail.  It's illegal to jump off that bridge into the lake.  Too high, I guess they say.  But I did it a few years ago, with the urging of some kids, as an old lady on a dare.

So long Pebbles and Beanie, you crazy fun trailer park kittens.  I miss you so much already.  So long Kai, Kalani, Keanu and Leilei and good luck little kittos.  Love you!  So does your mom.


  1. I don't think I could foster animals for the reason you describe--too hard to let them go. But I have to tell myself that I've done my part by adopting 6 cats who have needed a home and donated to the organizations that help these needy animals. Thank you for doing the very hard parts of capturing the animals, getting what they need, and letting them go.

    Glad you got out on the lake during your "time off".

    1. Well we get volunteers who foster their first kittens and keep them and no longer want to foster. Foster failures! I love them. Oh I loved the lake Thursday, was so wonderful to be out on the water.

  2. I am so sorry for the pain that you and Kona are going through. You at least can hope that they are bright futures. She just knows they are gone. I do hope she finds friends in her new home - and that you get out on the lake again. Both of you fully deserve some happiness.

    1. Kona doesn't seem so sad this time, not like she was after her spay, when she was very angry too, after which I gave her back three of the four and she was happy. But they'd been driving her nuts and keeping her awake for a couple days by Friday, so she exhibited sadness but seems over it. I hope to get out on the lake again very very soon. Maybe really soon, if you get my drift.

  3. I'm glad you had a happy outing.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....