Tuesday, July 09, 2019


If the weather is going to be depressing, at least I have kittens.

They're a hoot and I can't really be frowning with kittens around.

Here are a few more photos.  I'll say that Pebbles, the trailer park brown tabby girl kitten, isn't taking it so well, having four more little companions in the bathroom.  I took the kittens out of the garage cage they shared with mom yesterday morning, to take her to be spayed.  But the strange part of that is, Pebbles only acts out by growling at them if I'm in the bathroom too.  She likes to show off,  playing wildly, to me if I'm in the bathroom, and if the others try to play too, she growls and swats at them.  If I'm not in there, she plays with them.  She really loves her brother Beanie but she can be a bit much for him sometimes too and he goes off to his favorite bed under the sink.  He loves that bed, but he doesn't go in it, as intended, but sleep atop it.  Beanie is adorable and instantly got along with the other kittens.

A boy and his bed.  Beanie loves this cave type bed, but doesn't crawl into it.   He sleeps on top of it.

Little Kai is the tamest of the four ditch kittens, as he was so dehydrated at first, I had to give him sub cu fluids many times to keep him alive.  His mom was too starved and dehydrated herself to produce milk anymore.

Kai ignores Pebbles bad social behavior most of the time.

Kalani is very very sleepy this morning.
Thanks to the folks who donated to help keep us in kitten dry and wet food here, with all the extra mouths to feed and to Elaine who has sent wet food AND KMR, clear from Canada, which we are going through by the pint.  


  1. It's so good to hear about the kittens, who were near death, are now playing and acting like kittens. :)

    1. yes, all are doing very well by now.

  2. They are super cute - and definitely smile producing.

    1. They sure do produce smiles, lots of them.

  3. Aww so beautiful


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....