Friday, June 14, 2019

Quick Camp Trip

I went on a last second camp trip last couple of days.

I left Wednesday about 2:30 and was back about the same time today (Friday).

A woman invited me.  Her husband was in respite care for a short time, and she, his primary caregiver, was trying to get some relaxation in.

Anyhow, she'd bought a site for two nights down on the McKenzie beyond  Blue River and asked me to come along. 

I drove my own car and left that afternoon.  It's no problem for me to go camping on quick notice.  I sleep in my car.  I have a plastic bin with most items I'd use for camping, then add in my sleep gear, ice chest, some food and some clothes.  She said she'd bring most food, but I wasn't really that sure she would show up for some reason, and threw in some bagels, cream cheese, coffee, a few things, enough to survive if she didn't show up.

She didn't get there til late Wednesday night.  I was a little concerned since the site was in her name and vehicle plate number, not mine. I also wondered if she was broken down somewhere along the freeway.  Her RV is old.  Nothing I could do about that though, no cell service at all up there.  I made supper, made a fire, sat by it and was about to go to bed, thinking I'd just head home in the morning, when she arrived.

The River

The McKenzie is nice to look at, when camped right beside it, but the roar becomes a tiny bit annoying if you are trying to have a conversation at all.

Too swift and too cold to swim in, without a wet suit, it is highly used by rafters, fishermen in drift boats and kayakers.

I had really wanted to bring my raft and drive down to Blue River Reservoir to row and swim.  Good thing I didn't because the next day we did drive down there, and its so empty of water, oh my gawd, why?  We've had so much rain and snow this year.  I couldn't believe Blue River Reservoir is unusable for boats in JUNE!!!! Oh brother.  Glad I didn't haul my raft along then.

So we didn't do much.  After finding Blue River high and dry, we went to Delta Campground, where I've camped twice at least, and walked the half mile nature trail through the old growth.  I remembered the short trail differently.  This time the giant trees looked unhealthy and thirsty.  Dying, is what I thought, when I saw them this time around.

With nothing better to do, we drove back up and past the campground, and on to Sahalie Falls.  I've been there a zillion times but it doesn't get old.  The roaring beautiful falls are enchanting as is the river downstream of the main falls.  As is typical the trail markers and signs were really bad, so confusion reigned with almost everyone, including us and I've been a zillion times.  Why doesn't the state do better in regard to trail map signs I wonder.  It's like they want people to get lost or least be confused as what the trail map signs are saying.  I should say, it may be a forest service area, not state.   I'm not sure.

Anyhow, that was about it for excitement. It was good to have no excitement, nothing to do but mostly sit by the river and read.  My friend, who bought the spot, also read and we chatted and made dinner.  Left this morning, came home.  The same old issues arose, sleeping in the car---it was hot and dusty inside the car.  I didn't want to open the back, since I was right out next to the road through the campground.   People walked by there.  I think she had more trouble sleeping with the heat than I did.  I got 10 hours sleep the first night and seven last night, despite the hot car.  But heat rises and she was in that small RV with no AC and sleeping in the small space above the cab.  Looked like only a foot of clearance from outside, between bed and ceiling.  I'd be banging my head constantly I bet. My sleeping arrangement in my car has evolved to super comfortable.  It was only the heat bothered me this time, but I slept anyhow.  I use a full single mattress now, 3 inches thick, I found free.  On top of that, for more padding, a doubled over comforter.  Then I just use a light blanket for bedding and a pillow.  No more sleeping bags, that confine my feet and legs and get too hot. I don't even have to take out the front passenger seat now with that stiff mattress.  I push the seat as for forward as it will go, then lean it forward too.  I stick something behind it about the height of the bed and that's it.  So easy.  The mattress folds up in thirds easy too.

The other issue was the nearest outhouse was a five minute walk.  No running water at the campground, but I took plenty.  If I go camping again, I'm rigging my own bathroom and taking my battery powered fan.

Maybe the best thing about the trip?  NO CELL SERVICE in that area.  I loved that.


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    While not the best camping, it is always good to have a change of scenery for a day or two, or longer.

    1. Yes it is good to change up the scenery now and then. Yeah, more than one day there would get old fast. If I am camped by water, I want it to be water I can enter.

  2. I am glad you got away. Really glad.
    It looks like a really pretty area too (despite the noise and imperfections).

  3. Camping is always a mixed bag for me. I love being outdoors, but I get tired of the heat/cold/rain and bugs. I've gotten to the point where I like the day hikes with a nice place to sleep at night. But it still sounds like you had fun and it's always good to get away for a little while.

    1. It truly is a mixed bag and sleeping comfort is the key to enjoying the outing. It's hard to create a comfortable sleep environment camping however. If its not the heat or the bugs, its the bathroom too far away or drunken loud obnoxious neighbors. So I too prefer day trips, sleeping at home or at least somewhere unbothered by obnoxious camp neighbors, bugs or heat. I did sleep well this time, despite forgetting my battery fan and came home not even tired, so that says my sleeping arrangement is getting better.

    2. I watched the CA couple camped next to us wash their dishes in the river and pee within a couple feet of the river. They were tent camping. Even if they peed the suggested "at least 30 feet" from a waterway, if everyone peed in their own campsite it would soon smell like a bathroom.

  4. Beautiful photos ! Looks lovely!

    Jadieegosh   Instagram

    1. Thank you! It is lovely up there and I love seeing Sahalie Falls. I have been there many times but I just don't get tired of those falls and the river below them.


Some Appointments

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