Thursday, February 15, 2018

Off to the FCCO

I trapped again Monday at the Salem colony, for leftovers from the first trapping event, in which I was able to nab 20 unfixed kitties.  Meow Village took in 11 of those cats, thank goodness.  The caretakers of the cats are elderly and don't have much money.

So Monday, after taking seven other cats to whs to be fixed, I headed over to trap again at the Salem colony.  Its not that easy to pick off unfixed cats, when most left are fixed and when the caretakers themselves have no idea who is still out there.  I had a bit of an idea of who was left.  Mostly from quick looks at running cats.

I caught one big black tux male in the morning and I caught five others that evening, two kittens and three teens.  I was worried I was tiring out the older couple however.  Both have health issues.  They are so sweet and ply me with halo tangerines, chips, cookies and drink when there.
Huge black tux male fixed yesterday.
Black and white teen boy fixed yesterday at the FCCO.

Black teen male fixed yesterday.  Zorro they call him.

Gray and white teen girl fixed yesterday.
Kittenish orange tabby tux male, fixed yesterday, and Meow Village took him in, along with his sister.

Long hair torti, the orange tabby tux's sister, fixed yesterday, taken in by Meow Village.

I knew that Monday evening they were exhausted. I am amazed at their stamina, however.  And left traps set, at their insistence.  Next morning they called excited, said they had two caught.  I went up and unfortunately, when we went to see who they had caught, one of the two traps in the garage was empty.  He had not clipped the back transfer doors on the traps.   In fact he had unclipped them for some reason.  So one of the two cats had nosed up the back door and vanished.  I knew by his description of the cat that he was already fixed.  In the other trap---Buffy, the long hair orange and white male fixed last time around.  He felt bad, I could tell.  I reset traps correctly, using hot tuna and wet cat food and spreading catnip everywhere.  By late evening, when I was about to go to bed, having to get up early for the trip yesterday to the FCCO, he called again.  This time he was sure the cat in the trap wasn't fixed.  I drove up to get the cat and sure enough, he had a winner!!!  No ear tip, but a cat I had not seen.
Gray tabby on white female fixed yesterday.

So Wednesday morning I drove seven more cats up to be fixed at the FCCO.  I spent the day in parking lots again, reading mainly.  But when I got a news alert on my phone and looked at it, I went into a state.  Another school shooting.  It upset me badly to think of children being gunned down.  Out of stress, i suppose, I mindlessly began cleaning the inside of the car with paper towels and hand sanitizer, as the phone played live video of the scene, unable to even think about anything. I should have turned it off, there's nothing I could do about it.

I picked up the seven cats, four boys and three girls, at the clinic, around 4:30, then killed more time before heading to a fundraiser for Animal Rescue and Care Fund.  I wish I had money I'd give them lots for all the help they have given cats including many from the mid valley they have taken from me.   It took me awhile to get to the NE location due to severe congestion.  My gosh it was bad.  Then I endured stop and go bumper to bumper traffic on a steep hill on a two way street getting there, and that was not so easy with a manual transmission.  But I made it.

The event was a happy affair with people milling around sipping drinks, (I just drank water) talking, eating, and looking at the raffle items.  I ran into people I had not seen in years.  All cat people of course!

I took off about an hour and a half later, worn out, and needing to get the two kittens in the mix to Meow Village.  When I stopped with them, I saw two other cats they'd taken in from the same colony.  One was a black short hair I thought was a teen.  She had a bad upper respiratory.  Kathi took her to the vet and she got antibiotics and fluids, after they took her in, and also it was determined she is elderly.  My gosh, Kathi now cuddles her.

And I saw the orange polydactyl male, also from the Salem colony, who turned out to have FIV and a very bad leg infection.   They cared for him too, after I took him to Meow Village, taking him to the vet, getting him care, and to my surprise, there he was, running around  the house, tame as can be, happy too and his leg is healing so well.  Neither of these cats would have lived had Meow Village not taken them in! 

He will be up for adoption through Meow Village soon.

And finally I made it home, with five cats now, set them up in the garage and went to bed.

Today I'll take them home, leaving in fact, in a few minutes to do so.  They will be happy to get out of those traps!


  1. I'm glad you made it the fundraiser. It's always fun to see old friends and be around people who are passionate about the same thing you are.

  2. I'm glad, too, that you got to see similarly minded folks. ~hugs~ And your energy amazes me. SO surprised me with an iPod touch for my birthday. The first thing I did was turn off news alerts. ~nods~ It's for music first and foremost. And my are the lyrics amazingly clear! For the first time in my life I realized that in "Back in the USSR" The Beatles are singing about "Georgia's on my mind", not "Jo Jo", which I thought for some reason since childhood. Heh... Be well!


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