Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Did I Get Them All?

I am sincerely hoping I got all the cats caught needing caught at the burned out house colony.

I've had a trap there tied open, food in it, for two days now, without anything touched.

I caught nine cats in the end.

8 of the 9 were fixed Monday at Willamette Humane's clinic.  Five of the eight were girls, including Toby, Dimer and Nickel, all tabbies.  Toby is the tame abby tabby.

The other two girls were the two black teens, but they are different ages, so different moms.

The three males were Smokey, Dude and Jynx. Dude and Jynx are both big and black while Smokey is gray.

I caught the 9th cat during the day Monday, also a tabby.  She or he will be fixed next Monday then the four I have now---Dude, the big black male, in a cage in the garage; the two teen girls plus the 9th tabby are in the bathroom---they'll all go to the same barn home a week from today.

Diana has the other five.  Three of them are going to a stables very soon--Jynx, Dimer and Nickel.  The other two, Toby and Smokey, are going back to the former renters of the burned out house who are now living with a friend.

So not bad, nine caught, 8 of them fixed, and all 9 have somewhere new to call home.  Photo below if of the 9th cat caught---Niner.   She or he is in the bathroom with the kittens.  A very easy adult feral to manage, benign, scared, sweet.

Hope I got them all, however.  Had been told there is a black tux by a neighbor but have not seen any sign of another cat.  We shall see.

I was so excited about the snow predicted for last night in the valley.  Anything but the normal usual dismal soggy constant gray and wet.  I was tired from all the trapping and everything else so I went to bed very early last night.  I was excited when I woke up, expecting snow outside.  NONE!  Damn weather forecasters, building up excitement for snow and there's nothing.   Portland has snow but not us. Intensely disappointed.


  1. Good job on catching the cats and having them fixed. We had five cats (mother cat and she had four kittens). The only male cat hot hit..Indy. Indy was such a loving cat, purred and meowed to get attention which he got a lot of. He once dragged a huge dead rodent over our porch door for everyone to gawk at hahaha. Anyway we miss Indy. The mother cat and four of her kittens - Blair, mother; Fredo, Inky, and Helmet are the four surviving females all fixed.

    1. The males sure get hit a lot, when they roam. Sounds like you have a nice little family left though.

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I suppose you don't get really heavy snow of the type where you can't even get out, so there is a bit of novelty to it.

    1. No we rarely even get a dusting here.

  3. I hope you did get them all. Time will tell.

    1. I didn't. Some cat ate in the trap in the night. Darn it.

  4. Oh, I hope you got them. The untouched food seems a sure sign. ~hugs~ I have to ask, what is an 'abby tabby'?

    How sad about the snow. We're getting rain, rain, rain right now. The damp chill has me about to fetch my sweater. As for forecasters, we feel certain spring is close because our buzzards are back. I was thrilled to see the trees filling up on my way to and from the gym yesterday. It's not that I look forward to yard work in hot weather but I do look forward to the raptors' return. Too bad neighbors had to remove a tree they used to love.

    1. I haven't seen vultures back in the valley yet. But their arrival is a sure sign of spring. I had an old man friend who kept track, year after year, the first day he'd see vultures. We had snow this morning, just a dusting, will be melted soon. And unfortunately, the traps food was eaten yesterday, so someone is still out there. Won't try to catch though til weekend.


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