Thursday, January 18, 2018

Winnie is still at Heartland. Please, Adopt Her!!!

Little Winnie, found beneath a tree, by a dog, way out in the country, near death, who lived in my bathroom awhile before going to Heartland, is still there, waiting for a home.

This breaks my heart.  She needs to be a kitten before she isn't anymore, run and play in a house full of love.

Here's a link to her Heartland adoption page!

Here are some photos of Winnie when she was here.....

Please, if you have space in your home and your heart, go adopt Winnie.  PLEASE.

Jade's appointment is fast approaching.   In the meantime, I stopped in at the US Market, and overheard a woman talking to an Animal Control officer out front, about a cat, and interjected myself into the conversation.   A long time neighborhood stray had been taken in by a kind man trying to overcome his own problems.  The cat has been on its own forever, the woman was saying, and is very very skinny.  She was hoping the officer could tell her where the cat could get shots or seen for a price the man could afford.

I gave her my card, told her to have the man call me.  He did.  And since I'm going with Jade to the coast clinic, lacking any other options to help the cat, I said I'd take the cat with me too, to see a vet, since I don't need an appointment there to take a cat in just to be seen.     I don't even know what the cat looks like, but I know the neighborhood he or she roamed and am curious to see if I will know the cat, when I pick up.

I am preparing to trap a large Salem colony, referred to me by a Salem group.   Nice older couple.  Meow Village has already agreed to take the 9 teens if I get them, after they are fixed.  The couple got appointments with the FCCO.  The estimate of numbers vary between 20 and 30.   I'm on it.

Bald Eagles are all over the valley, as is usual this time of year.

From the Portland Audubon Society's page:

Size & Shape33", wingspan 82". Very large raptor, bill large and hooked, long broad wings held flat while soaring.
ColorDark-brown with white head, tail, huge yellow bill, feet, eyes.
BehaviorFeeds mostly on fish and waterbirds, geese, carrion, other prey; steals food from smaller raptors. Pairs return to territories in mid-fall, may work on nests; eggs laid by early March, young fledge by late July.
HabitatFarmlands, lakes, rivers, ponds; nest usually near water.
Field MarksDark brown body, white head and tail. Bill large and hooked. Yellow bill, feet and eyes.
Songs & CallsFar-carrying call - series of chirping whistles, piercing screams.
Fun FactsAfter breeding, many Bald Eagles leave the Willamette Valley region to track migrating salmon moving to northern rivers for the earlier spawning runs and southern rivers for the late-fall/winter runs.
Scientific NameHaliaeetus leucocephalus

There were two in the grass field just off Three Lakes Road yesterday evening.  I took some photos.  This isn't but a few hundred feet off Interstate 5.


  1. Best wishes to sweet Winnie. :( And good job stepping in. You're a superhero.

  2. I hope Winnie does find a home. Quickly.
    Thank you for all you do - and I loved the eagle shots too.

  3. Anonymous9:52 PM

    What a delightful looking kitten is Winnie. She should quickly find a home. The first eagle photo is pretty good.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...