Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Five Fixed Monday

Yup, five cats were fixed last Monday and I'm just now getting around to posting photos.

I realize it is important to create a record like this of the cats.  I was made aware of that today when contacted by someone in a Sweet Home trailer park, where I've gotten so many cats fixed.  The time before last when I went to pick up cats there, I just wanted to sob, seeing some, abandoned, forgotten, even complained about.  Those poor cats, made me so disturbed I could barely function that night.

A cat fight is going on there, over a cat, namely, who owns it.  I never really know.  I dutifully provided the solid records, which are reality, hard, fast, this cat was picked up at this place at the request of this person, with name, address, on this date, fixed at this clinic, returned.  That's reality, free and clear of distortion by human emotion.

 One party, who decidedly doesn't own the cat, should really focus on taking care of the ones they do own, like their orange guy who isn't fixed and they've lost track of him.   Like he no longer exists.   Or counts.  Or struggles.  Makes me so sad.

I found the records of who asked me to get him fixed and paired that date with a photo of him on this blog taken when I took to be fixed and that should be proof enough, in a normal world, of who at least cared enough to get him fixed and vaccinated at that time.   I do try to stay way clear of drama.  And stay focused on helping the cats.  I wish people could somehow see clearly through the harsh realities that make up many lives, the struggles, to be more.  To love the kids and care for them, and the animals who depend on them.

So anyhow, back to the cats fixed Monday.  Four were from Sweet Home, one place, and they were lovely cats, all of them.  Three boys and one girl.  There's a still a boy kitten there who needs fixed.

My photos are not too great this time, but I'll post them anyway.

Alister, an orange tabby boy, was fixed Monday.

Mango, another gorgeous orange tabby boy, also fixed Monday.

Emma, a gray tabby tux girl, was also fixed.  She was not a happy camper.  But her hostility would be the normal reaction to suddenly being whisked from all thing familiar, to the garage of a stranger, then a car ride, to a clinic full of smells of strange cats and dogs.  Hostility and fear are normal reactions.   So I thought she was awesome.  
  Stormy, a gray tabby tux male teen, was also fixed yesterday.  His photo is below.

.The fifth cat fixed Monday was the 7th or 8th cat fixed from a Sodaville colony.  The cats are tame but had been breeding out of control, with many kittens dying.  There is just one left to fix there now, after Raspberry was fixed Monday, a boy kitten.  We'll let him grow a bit first.


  1. Your work puts you in contact with some of worst out there. But your work also inspires others out there to be their best. When you're dealing with the Bozos out there, remember that not only are you helping cats you are inspiring others.

    1. I try L and L, because I can only help a few cats. I long to inspire change that is permanent, and that only comes if I can inspire other people, at least to fix their own cats, but hopefully, especially the young, who have such passion, to get involved. I doggedly go trailer to trailer, colony to colony, but I know young people with their fresh minds and more information, could possibly think of better ways.

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    It's a bit weird that people who don't look after their cats want another to not look after.

    1. Andrew, you hit the nail on the head with that comment. It's not about the cat. It's about the feud.

  3. Sigh.
    I often despair of people. But you do such good work, you are a positive reminder.

    1. It is kind of bad here, no lies about that, but I understand the world is not perfect and never will be perfect and my daily attempts to create a bit of order or put a piece in a puzzle that creates when done a beautiful scene, are far out done by others actively tearing apart the puzzle from other places.

  4. Awww... Thank you for these good works. We can't say that enough. You deserve so much more than that, especially for dealing with the people!


Not Much Going On

Monday night I was back up Quartville road, to check on the food left Saturday.   All of it was gone, which did not surprise me.  There are ...