Sunday, August 13, 2017

Eclipse Woes of Oregon

Poor Oregon.  We were so planning on Eclopolipse August 21.

We call it Eclipse Day.

So far it has not been declared a state holiday.  It may as well be.

Many businesses are closing expecting doomsday traffic jams.  The state has asked its workers to work at home or, if they do head to Salem, to carpool, so as not to contribute to the mass of cars.

Many of us who are skeptical so many people could come here for a two minute event have turned into voyeurs, more interested to see if the massive clog of crazy eclipse chasers really arrive, and create the intense problems predicted.

Meanwhile, many wilderness areas where people were expected to congregate are now closed, due to wildfires, whose smoke also fouls the sky.   The Whitewater Fire has closed the Jefferson Park wilderness area, a gem of a place, expecting 5000 eclipse viewers.  Now a group of new fires in Lane County has closed many areas and campgrounds too.

Then there's the coast, where high tides are expected the morning of August 21.  Warnings have been issued against beach camping.  You could just wake up wet.  Or, you could end up in the ocean with little chance of survival.

Here's the warning.

But the worst timing of all may be the storm predicted for Sunday August 20, that may leave Oregon mostly cloud covered on Monday morning, August 21.  It is hoped the storm will move north by then and leave Oregon clear.  However, this morning, the Oregonian issued a story with predictions from accuweather for many Oregon cities, citing per cent obscuration, at the time of the eclipse on Monday morning, the 21st.  It is not an optimistic forecast.

Seriously, this is weather for Eclipse Day?

We are used to ignoring forecasts here.  They are rarely accurate.  So most natives know this forecast could be way way off, and change 40 times in the next week.

Meanwhile, I reconstructed the foster cage in the living room with the kennel panels I'd bought to aid in the relocation of Waterloo park cats.  The panel cage is bigger than the wood frame of the old foster cage in the living room. I left the frame in place because the cats like to sleep up top.  I could have built a wood frame that fits inside the panels better and completely covers the top, but that would have cost money.  So I ad libbed, left the old frame, and closed the gaps with other items, including two old metal shelves I wasn't using.  I'll add shelves inside the cage for cat lounging today.  Then I tracked down Mister Kitten (a.k.a. Twinkie) in the cat yard again and brought him in.  He needs to do time in the foster cage so he can get a home somewhere.

It is raining today in Oregon, for almost the first time since middle of June, when summer suddenly started.  Many of the cats are napping off the rain.  Like Sam, below, being bugged by elderly torti Tugs.
Sam and Tugs
Fantasia, one of the Quirky sisters, still crazy after all these years.
Fat Oci has the right idea
Sam endures the rain, stoically, yet displays his pain like a missionary
Vino is always cheerful
Some battles, Slinko, are best left unfought.  The tortis are in alliance.  Slinko cannot win.
Lastly there is Miss Daisy.  Posing beneath my beloved painting, acquired during the Animal Rescue and Care Fund art auction fundraiser.  I love the painting.  

Eclipses come and Eclipses go.  In about two minutes time.   The world won't end if its raining in Oregon on August 21.


  1. The meteorologists in my area sound like they're no better than yours. However, they refuse to make predictions about Eclipse Day yet.

  2. Love the painting and Miss Daisy.
    And no, there are worse things than a rainy eclipse day. Many worse. Much worse.

  3. I like that painting, too. And so many lovely kitty faces. Best wishes to all next Monday. I hope it's not too crazy overcrowded. Be well!

  4. Even before you said you loved that painting, I noticed it and really liked it. Did a local artist paint it?

    1. Artist lives in Portland I think.


Rain Stops Finally

 We endured a lot of rain.   Pineapple express thing.    Way too much rain.  My yard is sinky mud.  We also had wind.  Fortunately the neigh...