Sunday, May 28, 2017

Trash Photos

First I'd like to make it clear I enjoy taking photos of trash.

Please don't analize the why's.  I don't even know.

I go to the recycle center to put my plastic bags in the bin.   The recycle center features this sign.

This particular notice is posted in several places.  The notices are completely ignored.  As for the cameras, ha!   If there, they too are ignored by the garbage company.  I've never heard of anyone prosecuted.

I wish I had the nerve to just dump my trash there.  Sure be a lot cheaper.  I'm a goody two shoes however.  A rule follower.  A person sure I would be the one caught and thrown in jail even if no one else ever was.

I think the signs are directed at people just like me, the ones who might follow the rules if under threat especially.   But the other people don't because they're smart enough to know they are not really monitoring the cameras, or prosecuting people, so they dump their trash there and drive away.

Oh for a soul that would let me so free.

So I just take photos of the things people dump there.  Todays' lot includes a camp toilet!

I didn't take a lot of photos because a pickup drove up and eyed me, taking photos, and I knew they didn't know if I was going to take photos of them dumping their own trash there.  But took them only two minutes to decide to do it anyway.  At first the guy tried to pretend, for my sake I'm sure, those big huge nursery plant pots, the black plastic ones, were recyclable and would fit into the narrow bin openings designed narrow to keep out dumpster divers and trash that isn't really recyclable.  He was pushing and shoving those huge pots, like they would magically fit if he kept at it.  Nary a worry in the world with those warning signs and the cameras looking down.  Ha!   See what I mean?

Enjoy the trash scenes!


  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    It is a problem here too, although perhaps not quite as bad. In spite of cameras, I don't believe anyone is ever prosecuted either. We rule followers have a hard life, with us constantly full of indignation that others don't and get away with things.

  2. Here people dump their garbage (trash) outside the centre so they can avoid paying. I believe that some of them have been tracked down and prosecuted.

    1. Good to know a few are held to account.

  3. All you have to do is visit one of the sorting facilities and see what the sorting job is like. I think would will stop a lot of people from dumping their trash. Sorters at a recycling place have a very dirty job. I think the dumpers aren't thinking beyond themselves at all. BTW, those black flower pots are recyclable here.

    But what's really interesting is your picture taking of trash. I knew you did it at the beach, but I didn't realize other places were involved. It's definitely an interesting subject. I see a coffee table book in your future.

    1. I'll have to check, see if they are. I have a friend who takes them, then sands and paints them wild bright colors, just using spray paint, turns them into delightful beautiful pots! I was going to wait them out, get them for her, but they had a truckload beyond those, to unload. I do need a coffee table. Mine is awful with broken supports. I thought about tha too. Technically, its considered stealing to take stuff from there (the rule follower talking)

    2. I like the idea of spray painting the pots. I might try that.

  4. I'm like you - painfully honest. I think you're right about us being the signs' main targets to achieve partial success. Be well!

    1. Yup, someone told me once I had a problem with honesty, that everybody lies to benefit and protect themselves and that I need to learn how to tell a good lie.

  5. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Oddly, I did this when I traveled with Bill on trucking routes. I was amazed at the quantity and how people keep adding to it long after the dumpsters are full. And the things they throw NEAR the trash, but not IN the trash are even worse. That is an entirely different post.

    1. Oh my goodness, you take trash photos too? I would love to see some of those photos, maybe a post on your blog?


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

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