Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Grange Kittens

The four kittens I caught yesterday at the grange are, by sex, two boys and two girls.

By color, they are two brown tabbies and two blacks, but both blacks have white chest spots and at least one white foot.   Of the two blacks, one is a boy and one is a girl.  Same with the tabbies.

They have diarrhea, not dripping but that is what caused their dehydration.  The most precocious little black girl has had it the worst.  I can tell by her inflamed rectum.  She is the one who will challenge me, this tiny thing, coming at me, stomping at the ground and hissing.   I love her!

I wormed them and if that is the cause of the loose stool, will take a couple days to clear up.  Otherwise, I hope Heartland can help out.

They wobble when they try to run around.  They'll get better as they get older.

The black girl kitten

She is already using the litter box, but that's if I remind her, after she eats and lift her into it.  After all, those sides are a challenge to scale at 3 inches, when you're little.

This is the little black boy kitten.  Look at those whiskers, and the one white toe, on the right front foot.
They sleep in a pile inside a big huge carrier.  I thought mom would nurse them in it but she spends the day, well this is her first day here, inside the linen cupboard, on the usual cat shelf used by fosters.  She comes down sometimes, to check on them, and also at night.  I saw the evidence.  I think she is relieved to hand over most of their care, while she rests and eats all she wants for once in her life.


  1. As you know they are gorgeous. And hooray for mama cat getting help, food and rest. And shortly (while she doesn't know it) being safe from having kittens ever again.

    1. Yes, no more kittens for mom. I would guess she may have once been tame, as lone roaming ferals, with no one feeding them, are usually males, who have roamed off, from a colony or their home, looking for love (sex). Lone females, with no one feeding them are not the norm.

  2. Those kittens look really young. How old do you think they are?


    1. Between three and four weeks of age. One of them had blue eyes but they developed the second day here. They're starting to run around now and play, although its still wobbly running.

  3. Strayer, I just took a photo off your blog and plan to put it on my blog. It's the second from the top on this post. I wouldn't be so bold if I thought you might mind, but I don't because, with luck, it might attract you some support. I will also put a link to your blog on my blog.


    1. I don't mind at all, Snow. In fact, I appreciate it!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....