Thursday, September 01, 2016

King Cat

I took King, the massive stray boy I got fixed at an apartment complex, to the north coast clinic for dental care.

He was fixed last June, along with many others there, and was experiencing mouth troubles.  He had two lower canines pulled.   I'll take him back tomorrow.  Thanks so much to all who donated to help with his vet bill.  He's doing well!   I also took a Feline First kitty along who needed vet care.

Mostly I slept in the back of my car, being very tired, yesterday, while at the coast, waiting on the cats to be done.  But I did walk out the south jetty, and then climb atop the large rocks.  They are stacked so precariously that a small jolt from below would tumble them off one another.

Pelicans (Their beaks can hold more than their bellys can)

Looking north from south Jetty area towards Washington State

Fishing boats on the Columbia River
I was going to rest today, but I went out to Waterloo again, with a friend, leaving my car at her place.  She's been trapping at the park, not far from the 32 cat colony I helped.  We stopped by that colony, as I wanted to say hello, and the son says there are kittens under the porch.  He lifted the porch up and I grabbed five four week old brown tabby kittens.  He relinquished them.

So number helped there rises to 37.

In the park, we merely picked up a female the park host owns or got somehow, I don't know.  She's had 12 kittens so far and is in heat again.  So she'll be fixed at Heartland tomorrow.

Animal Rescue and Care Fund agreed to take the five kittens, so we drove north with them, and handed the little sweeties over.  I'd already fallen in love.  Back then to pick up another Lebanon cat needing fixed, and home with the two females to be fixed tomorrow.  It was already after 8:00 p.m. when I finally got home, and I'm still behind from being gone yesterday.

 But I'd been asked to pick up two males some people just don't want anymore.  They'd already given away their female, with her last litter.  I went and picked those unfixed boys up too, because if they can be fixed tomorrow, at Heartland, then they can go to a Portland area rescue Saturday.

Happy Cat Club costs for the four fixes tomorrow will be $160.  I got one $20 copay to help.  But the Waterloo park female will no longer contribute to the overpopulation problem of that area, and the two unwanted boys get a chance at homes, so I figure its worth it.

I don't know why people don't take care of their own cats, like get them fixed.  I sure wish they would.

Woke up way too early, thanks to mindlessly drinking some Starbucks double shot in a can my friend handed me.  Too much caffeine, woke me up very early.  Hope to sleep the day while the cats are fixed.


  1. Beautiful pictures at the beach again. I especially like the one with the beach in front and the mountains in the distance. Great work with the cats, as always.

  2. Oh, those babies are so adorable! I'd be in love too, Strayer!
    The photos from the beach are amazing. And the pelican pic reminded me that I recently had a dream that I saw Pelicans in Ohio. So weird!

    1. Oh, you would have loved them, they tamed instantly, then began prancing about, backs arched, tails high, flirting for attention. Oh gawd I loved them! That would be strange to see a pelican in Ohio!

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Our brown tabby George was one of a litter (4) that I bottle fed lat year. Yes, easy to love them. You are amazing. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for saying that. They were so darling, the little girl on my shoulder, is a charmer. They are in good hands now with Animal Rescue and Care Fund!

  4. Beautiful beach scenes. And beautiful kittens. Which now have a chance. Thank you. I hope you can get some rest soon.

  5. Pelicans are so interesting. I love watching them soar and feed off the North Carolina coast.

    So much for you day off. Excellent job!

    1. Yes they are interesting birds!

  6. Such cute kitties! We often stop and spend the night at Walmart parking lots when we're just traveling from one place to another. Three times on our drive from Ohio to Texas we saw feral cats at the edge of the parking areas in the nearby field/woods. Twice I saw that someone had left cans of cat food in a safe place. (we always park as far away from the store as possible). One area had 3 big cats and 1 huge raccoon partaking of the gifts. At one place we saw a woman drive up and leave some food. I was in my jammies... by the time I got real clothes on she had left. I wanted to give her a donation to help... since I didn't catch her in time, I think your Happy Cat Club can make good use of it. I so admire what all you do. Thanks from a dedicated cat person!

    1. THANK YOU so much Sharon. Just received notice of your donation. Yes, I will put it to good use here!


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