Friday, August 12, 2016

Bye Bye Bluey and Toby

My under the house babies are leaving me today.  Two of them anyhow.  Bluey and Toby are heading north to Felines First, who will try to do what I've not been able to do:  find them a home.

I will miss them but they deserve a home and I can't find them one.

I will still have Niners and Whisper here, and will work to further socialize them and find them a home.  Hopefully I can find help with the latter if I fail.

I've been spending time out looking for a kitty lost out an RV window, when the RV was parked over near the fairgrounds.  I guess he routinely goes in and out the window, when they stop for the night somewhere.  This time, he did not return.

The first night, I was walking and looking and a guy crosses the road and comes toward me.  He was off balance and had a stupid grin across his face.  Booze will do that for you.  He wanted to chat.  He told me I looked very suspicious.  I asked why.  He said "its the tuna".   "Oh," I say, "I look suspicious because I'm walking around holding a can of tuna?"  "That's right," he said, triumphantly.  Then he adds, "You're cute," and tries to grab my hand.  I pull away and say "Do you know why I carry this big huge flashlight?"  He doesn't miss a beat and says "So you can swing it at people like me?"  "You got it buddy," I say.  He stumbles off down the sidewalk.  I am cracking up so badly I'm bent over.

What a nice drunk.

Will be trapping another colony tomorrow.  Nice lady, lots of cats, but many they have tamed and by "they" I mean the 8 people living in a tiny two bedroom house.

It will be blazing hot so I have to get up there very early in the morning.

Dead Jack's house is now up for sale, as of yesterday.  The feeding frenzy over it began shortly after the for sale sign was planted in the yard.  The dead mouse in the dining room is apparently a big draw.

 Housing is in short supply in Oregon.  People are moving here from all over the fricking place. All Oregon will soon look like L.A. I'm afraid.   It drives me nuts and I long to leave this concrete town for places more remote.  There were people even in my driveway just not caring in their frenzy about little things like trespass.  Now I have to be careful, not go out half dressed or half cocked or half anything else, not leave things out unlocked and probably I better hook up my white trash security monitor.

If anybody asks me about the house I'll be sure to mention how he had the toilet seat in his kitchen sink at least two months, but probably a year.

I don't want new neighbors.


  1. Good news about Bluey and Toby. I would like less neighbours too.

  2. Best wishes to you all, my dear. Maybe you'll get great neighbors. One can hope.

    You make me grateful for my boring neighborhood. The worst I've faced is having a toddler foisted on me. Granted, the tax assessor banging on the door scared the crap out of me this afternoon, but at least I didn't end up with a kid to care for.

    I truly wish you all the best.

    1. What? A toddler was foisted on you? Now that sounds like a story.

    2. Heh... It was a trial. The neighbor banged on my door until I answered and wouldn't leave until I gave into his babysitting demand. Childless by choice and about to deal with demands of elderly, wheelchair-bound parents, I felt traumatized by this. It was during April of 2015 A to Z Blog Challenge, too, so the kid got ignored for the most part. In return, she stole some trinkets. I bow to your strength in standing up to jerks, my dear. Be well!

    3. You better have some excuses ready and waiting for next time it happens, with the neighbor!

  3. Now, there's a picture I can't get out of my head. A toilet seat on the kitchen sink. I don't know what to think about that--either really gross or very ingenious--maybe both.

    1. It was not a clean toilet seat either. I have no idea why he had it in the sink. And for so long.

  4. Maybe you need pepper spray to go with your big flashlight.

    1. I do need that.

    2. FOX is supposed to be a good brand. I have it in the four ounce, but I think I will buy the two-ounce the next time because if it fits in my pocket better, I’ll be more likely to carry it.


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