Thursday, July 21, 2016

Off Kilter Sleep

I'm off kilter from going to bed early for several days to prepare for the trip to the coast yesterday, so this time I'd be rested and not have to spend the day dozing in a parking lot.   Now I am having trouble getting back on track though, on the old sleep schedule.

Here are more photos from Tuesday's journey to the coast with cats.  By the way, both Alexi and Angel seem to have fully recovered although I know they must be a bit sore in the mouth.

I love trees.  They intrigue me especially the giant ones and also the way they bend in the big storms to survive.

At the coast, at Oswald West, I stumbled upon giant trees again and trunks so massive and twisted I could do nothing but stare, mouth open, in awe.

These photos do not do these trees justice.  I felt I was walking among giants, scarcely an ant myself, in significance by comparison.


  1. Oh wow.
    I would have joined you in open-mouthed wonder.

  2. Anonymous6:51 PM

    They are magnificent trees and appear to be so old. I have just been listening to a short podcast about Dutch Elm Disease, and he devastation in the 70s and 80s of elm trees in Europe, Britain and in the US and Canada. It made me very sad.

    1. They are awesome trees. I remember the Dutch Elm problem and I know it resulted in the cutting of some beloved Corvallis trees, way back in the 80's, that lined a street.

  3. I suggest you embrace the new sleep schedule like any cat would. ~grin~ Seriously, you probably need all the sunlight you can get the way things are going. Be well. And thank you for the fabulous pictures. I'm reminded of my visit in 1988 to the California redwoods. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos!

    1. I'd love to visit the redwoods. I should do that one of these years. I usually get plenty of sleep, no matter what schedule I am on. If I don't, I get grumpy and growly!

    2. I can totally relate about sleep. Actually, though, I'm even worse when overly hungry. I hope you're having a good evening, my dear.

  4. I think Darla makes a good point about your sleep schedule, but you know what works best for you. I too love trees and appreciate your pictures.

    1. The huge trees are something else. Fortresses, that also harbor all kinds of sub ecosystems.


Some Appointments

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