Sunday, June 12, 2016

Baker's Dozen

I wish  I was talking about 13 donuts that I'd eaten!  Bad bad me, to even think that.

Instead, I rounded up 13 more cats and today they got fixed.

Six came from TP1.  2 girls and 4 boys, from three trailers.

Two came from TP2:  Both girls, both big producers of more cats that are not needed there.

One came from TP3: a boy, a very sweet boy, with one bad eye, who showed up needing help and a kind couple did just that, fed him, but they wanted him fixed.

Then there was the Albany boy kitten.  I'd gotten his mom fixed some time back.

And the long hair torti fed in Albany on a porch.  She a difficult trap.  I left the trap with the determined woman and she worked at it over days.  Then suddenly, she trapped a kitten, only five weeks old too, a little long hair boy.  And after she trapped him, mom waltzed right into the trap.  It was like she wouldn't go in til her kitten did, then she was good with it.  She had only one kitten last year too, a boy also.  I went over and vaccinated and flea treated and round wormed the little fiesty squirt.  Her son is adopting him.  She'll make sure he gets fixed.

The little guy

Today his mom, Molly they call her, got fixed.

Molly, the Porch Torti
This pair were fixed from Tangent, a boy and a girl.

This Albany boy kitten was fixed today too.  His mom, who wandered up as a stray, was fixed last month.

Six more were fixed from TP1, bringing the total fixed there to 46 now.

Oreo was abandoned by his owners so someone else cares for him now.  He was fixed today.

Niblet was abandoned as a kitten but is now cared for by a park resident.  Now he is fixed.
Another big gray boy needed fixed, so now he is fixed.  Easy as pie.
And this darling little boy, in photo under anesthesia daze, was fixed also from TP1.
Lastly, two girls were fixed from one trailer.
Both girls were fixed today.
From TP2, two more girls were fixed.   This bring the total fixed there to 13, plus one relinquished.  14 helped.

Nala, a sweet kitty, and one who has had many litters.  Now Nala can rest up.  She is fixed.
Midnight, another young unique awesome female, was fixed from TP2 also.
And from TP3, yes another trailer park, one boy kitty...

That should be 13 unless in my exhausted state, I forgot someone.

There is something sad I must share.  There was a death in catland.  I went out early to feed the farm colony cats, very early, so I could still have time to load the cats and get up to the clinic on time, and found Benji dead on the highway.   I haven't had time to mourn the little guy's death.  He was only about a year old and one of three very bonded (and fixed) brothers.

R.I.P. Benji.

That's Benji, on the right.  My beautiful boy.


  1. Some lovely news. And some tragedy too.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Benji, but you gave him a better life while he was here.

  3. Poor Benji... so sad for you.

  4. While I mourn for Benji, his memory lives on in your good works. Bless you, my dear.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....