Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Q is for Questions

Another A to Z blog post day.  Weather is cloudy with humidity and possible thunderstorms later are predicted.

But today, Q is for Questions.

Because I'm full of them, after the HVAC tech came.

First I was told the system was vastly under the correct pressure, and that it needed recharged.  But later, this was reversed and I was told it was overcharged.  Really?  How could it be possible that one minute its undercharged and 15 minutes later I am told the opposite?

I asked how the system could possibly be overcharged, as it is a closed system.  I had to answer that for myself with logic.  Restricted space.  If a closed system has so much coolant, restrict its space to occupy, from its original space, and you have an overcharged system.  Think of blood pressure and if your arteries get clogged, restricting the space for your blood to flow.

He told me the evaporative coil inside the heat exchanger, in the garage, is restricted.  So how does that happen.   Good question in a closed system.  But again, like arteries, I surmise, if something even small broke off, say a corrosion inside a pipe, and clogs the capillaries of the coil, so part of it gets no circulation, you'll get restriction.

He said the coil needs replaced, then cited the price of a new coil, without labor.  You ready to be blown away?   Over $2000, just for the part.  With labor, over $5000.   I was blown away and more QUESTIONS arose.

We left it at that, my brother (on the phone) and I.  Because he wanted to consult people he knows, where he lives, people he uses on job sites, to find out things and answer his questions, like can the coil be removed and flushed out, can a used one be found, all that.

We did just blow over $700 on that darn thing just after Thanksgiving when the blower motor failed.

Question:  What are these what specks, on the electrostatic air filter/cleaner?

I can use the heat and cool if I want but its not doing its job and the resistance of a vastly inefficient now system, costs much more to operate in electricity, due to higher resistance.  So I shut it down.

My furnace had a heart attack, is really what appears to have happened.  Something broke off and clogged its vital fluids circulation capacity.  Now the question my brother is pondering is if the coil can be replaced more cheaply some way or repaired or if it is wiser to replace the entire set up.

I found a site that advertises furnace with heat pump for under $2000.  How can that be, when I was told a coil alone for the heat exchanger costs over $2000, without labor.  More QUESTIONS.

Yes, I'm watching  youtube videos on it.  I love this guy!  Here he is replacing a coil.  First you have to drain the coolant out and afterwards, recharge it, and that can cost over $100 per lb of coolant.  My system takes 6 lbs. R-22. 6 lbs of R-22 refrigerant, to recharge it after the coil is replaced, adds almost $700 to the bill,

Question:  Are the machines out to get me today?  My weed whacker, that I did fear might be fried, after trying to whack the bank owned house's lawn next door, when the weeds topped 16 inches, is indeed now deceased.  Why?   Well, today I plugged it in to cut the cat yard grass, hoping I'd just overheated the electric motor when cutting that bank's yard.  Instead, the thing started, whirred slowly, began smoking, then caught fire.  I unplugged it and ran it out to the driveway, grabbed the fire extinguisher (just a can) from the car, and doused it good.  Now, I'm minus a weed whacker too, and I sure want to charge that bank.  They didn't maintain that lawn, although they finally came and mowed it.  When weeds are that high, the place becomes known empty.  The weed seeds were blowing onto my yard too.  So I tried to do something about it and paid a price.

But the next two fence sections are done.  At least there's that.

 The weather is supposed to cool down but not be too cold so I should be just fine until we figure out what to do.


Bye bye A to Z.   Getting fewer comments, today zero, and the time involved, of reading other blogs and commenting, guess I'm feeling overwhelmed by today's events and I'm done.


  1. All good questions. I think I'd figure out what the white stuff is on the filter before they clog up whatever new thing you put in. Also, I'm feeling your A-Z fatigue. I can think of plenty of words for the letters, but it's hard to get the energy up to say something about them. But I'm going to try to move forward. We'll see how it goes.

    1. I just don't have the time, with everything breaking down, seems like, and trying to catch cats way up in Sweet Home, for A to Z.

  2. Poor dear! I have an opinion on what the white specks might be - mineral build up from your water. We have limestone beneath our soil here in Southwest Ohio and, boy, do the hard water stains build up on everything. I'm not sure if that helps. Best wishes, my dear.
    Awakening Dreams and Conquering Nightmares with a Pen
    I'm sorry you've decided to leave the challenge. You've been doing so wonderfully! I'm expecting intermittent Internet access soon, so I may not be around as much. We shall see. Good luck!

    1. Who knows what that is. I don't have any money to do anything anymore. So finding out what those white things are, that won't happen. No furnace, heat or cool, til some time next week, at the least, as my brother is having another company check it, unsure if what happened with the tech yesterday was even close to correct. Too much going on here. And I have so few blog readers anyhow, really, so another reason to opt out of A to Z. I don't think my blog is interesting to people. Oh well. Good luck with A to Z to you Darla.

    2. I adore your blog! I have to believe that enough people haven't found you. ~hugs~ Best wishes, my dear.

  3. I am so far behind... finally have my laptop on internet again ($%^&@#)... (those are explicit cuss words).... after nearly 2 weeks of mostly not being able to read and never being able to comment on my friends blogs. All that aside, I had the funniest photo to send on to you when I realized I don't know your e-mail address. If you're friends with Jim E. check out the photo I sent on to him. You'll get a kick out of it! Missed you... S.

    1. Me too, behind! I must see that photo.

  4. You do have my email, I emailed you recently in fact. Issues with machines are a pain in the butt. Been having my share lately.
    I didn't see a photo from you on Jim's timeline.

  5. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Stayer...I do not have your email address. You left a comment on my Warning post. Here is my reply: "Strayer, you have written a poem here. Thank you for this heartfelt piece of yourself. I am honoured. (Hug)"

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      I am sorry for being so late with comments. The A-Z is hard! But, I am following you and wish I could subscribe by email. I like that. are awesome.

    2. I don't know how to set that up, so people can subscribe by email. I quit the A to Z, bot so busy. Will email you.

  6. I'm sorry about your machines.

    I got so tired of it getting in the way that I took the shield off my weed-whacker, but I do wear goggles.

    You're obviously a good fencer.

    1. Thanks Snow, means a lot coming from you. I got a gc for my birthday from Amazon. Tried to use it to buy shoes, but they didn't fit, so I returned them. But after the weed whacker fiasco/fire, ordered a weed eater with the gc (thank you Barb) and it should be here Monday. Neighbors start complaining if anybody's yard isn't tip top on this block, so glad I had the option for getting another one.

    2. "Neighbors start complaining if anybody's yard isn't tip top on this block..."

      I would like that in a neighborhood! I'm afraid my neighborhood is on its way down.

    3. It does keep us all on our toes about keeping up the block, and in that way, it's good.


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